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Would love a Shiny Ponyta!


Loyal Bug User
I've just always loved the look of one and i've never had a shiny before!

If you have one, then ask me what you want and I may be able to oblige.

Thank you so much!


New Member
i have one... im looking for good ev trained pokes and shiny gardevoir modest nature... lemme know


Loyal Bug User
TheSen; said:
i have one... im looking for good ev trained pokes and shiny gardevoir modest nature... lemme know

Apologies, I don't EV train and i have no shinies at all, i could manage a legendary though...or possibly any item, i have most of em.


New Member
I have one but I let my friend hold onto it when I started again, so u may have to wait for it but what are you offering, give me a list of shinies/legendaries you will trade (must be legit, don't mind if it's cloned)


Loyal Bug User
Okay, i have the following Legendaries:


Or I have any item you want, I have almost all of them.