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Would you drive this?


Well-Known Member
the link doesn't work for me

Mario Man

The Link doesn't work for me as well, but i know It's a Pikachu beetle. I actually have ridden in one of those as a campaign and it was exciting. I would want that car for sure!


Well-Known Member
The Pikachu Beetle's been out for a while, eh.

I'd rather drive the Lugia PT Cruiser.

edit: just realised the picture is not of a VW Beetle. But I'd still rather drive a Lugia PT Cruiser.



I would drive it to a Pokeconvention. I would be lurved.

I would not drive it through the G Hetto. I would be shot.


.:Daisy Dancing:.
It's a cute car, I'll give you that. I'd buy it for my collection (if I even had one) but I wouldn't drive it around everywhere. If I live in Japan, then I'd take it everywhere. There, it's something to be proud of. Here...not so much.
No. A Pikachu car is kinda freaky. :< ...'specially at night. :eek:

I'm going to move this to the polls.......... *moves*


Pitch Black Soul
theres nothing there, it couldnt be veiwed

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
Hell yeah! I'd drive that thing around everywhere I go!

They see me rollin', they be hatin'... ;025;
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Wants name change
Man, I've always dreamt of driving a Cannot Find Server car! That's, like, the best thing ever!

But seriously, I know what you're referring to, since I've seen the pics in a magazine, and I'd definitely prefer the Lugia car over the Pikar. Now we need a red one with beady eyes and a huge mushroom on top...