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Would You Rather....

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Well-Known Member
um neither there both retards would you rather

get $999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 billion dollars or

get every pokemon on your d/p lv 100 max stats shiny and normal with max evs in everything with any movesets you want(they must be able to learn the move


You best believe it
$999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 billion dollars. Then I could people do the other thing for for me.

Would you rather own a Sableye or Dunsparce in real life?


Well-Known Member
Sableye. Coolness.

WYR be Ash or Max (from anime (if you're a boy), or Misty or May (also from anime and if you're a girl)?


Max. Younger the better!

WYR.. Date Tucker(Dome Ace) or Harley(From the Anime) even if you're a boy. You cannot say neither it just breaks the whole concept of the game.


Well-Known Member
Uh, Harley, because his name sounds cooler?

Randomly transform into Ash or Brock (if you're a boy), or Misty or May (if you're a girl)?

EDIT: oh shoot, I already did that.Oh, how about:

WYR be in an Anime or a Movie?
Last edited:


An anime.

WYR buy Super Smash Bros. Brawl or Metroid Prime 3: Corruptions?


99% chance to hit

WYR spend the rest of your life in jail or in a dump?

Laser Shuckle

Well-Known Member
the first one.

WYR hire a hitman to kill your best friend or slather yourself in bacon grease and run around your school naked?

Laser Shuckle

Well-Known Member
how long would I be trapped?

would you rather call your math teacher and tell him/her you love them or go to the bathroom on you parent's bedside?


99% chance to hit
iPod video.

WYR be in a dark room with Britney Spears or a well-lit room with Michael Jackson?
embarrassing costume. at least im clothed :p

WYR see me keep this pachirisu avvie ive had since i joined, or put an actually cool pkmn avvie there?


Well-Known Member
cool pokemon but make shure pachirisu is in there cus well your name pachi

WYR get a cute kitten(<-- i would so pick this one) or a cute puppy.


A cute kitten.

WYR fight an angry dog or an angry gorilla?
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