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Wouldn't it be cool if you could pick a pokemon from your party and ride on it?

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I'm the Bogeyman!
I mean, wouldn't it be intimidating if a guy busted into your hideout, riding on a Wailord?;321;

Shino The SoulKeeper

i don't really see why ???? i mean, for dungeon ... beuh ... i'd like to do it in diamond and peral version ( and it's totaly possible, Demikids have done it ^^ ) , riding a dracollos, groudon or even Kyogre is better than ever for your reputation :D
You mean Pearl version but I reall dont get this.

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;


Rainbow Trainer
It would be totally awesome if you could ride pokemon! I would ride a shinning Rayquazza!

I have never played diamond or pearl as they ARE NOT YET OUT IN THE U.S.!!!


But then, think how silly your character would look riding something like a Treeko or a Magikarp? That would be fun for link-ups... If they did that then there should also be a sprite of the pokemon you are riding when you surf or fly instead of those birds/floating balls.



I > You
Then there are only certain Pokemon that can be ridden, ex: with a certain height or weight.

Me, I'm satisfied with just your starter following you. *recalls yellow*
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