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Wouldn't It Make Sense?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it make sense if team rocket had a pikachu of their own. Allow me to explain:
This is probably what would happen in an episode if this actually came to be written.
Ash: Pikachu use Thunderbolt on team rocket!
Jessie: Ah, ah, ah! Hold it, we have a surprise of our own! Pikachu use Thunderbolt!
Ash: HUH! When did you get a pikachu?
*FLASHBACK* Team rocket were in some woods after being blasted off and a wild pikachu walks past. Team rocket don't seem to care much but it reminds them of 'the twerps' pikachu and begin to watch it. The pikachu sees that team rocket have some food and comes over to ask for some. After pika-pika-ing for a few short seconds, Meowth explains to Jessie and James that this pikachu has no place to stay and hasn't eaten in days. TR decide to let the pikachu have some food and when they are done they ready the balloon and say goodbye to the pikachu, the pikachu looks rather teary-eyed and so do TR but it jumps into the balloon with them and pika-pikas some more. Meowth tells the gang that pikachu wants to come with them an wants them to be it's trainers.

Well yeh, something like that.
Yeah, sounds pretty lame.

Magical Needle Smash

Well-Known Member
That is one clever idea, but it would go down the drain once Ash's Pikachu evolves and learns Surf and Overheat. Nothing will be able to stand up to it after that.


Well-Known Member
do you want to know why that is never going to happen? the anime spent 9 seasons on team rocket trying to catch that single pikachu

if they caught one themselves, that would just kill the whole series altogether, giving team rocket no goal in the anime what-so-ever, OR, that could give the pokemon series a plot twist, giving the writers a wide variety of options of episode ideas to the anime

Horn Drill

I myself have often wondered why Team Rocket doesn't just try to catch more wild Pokemon like everyone else and give them to the Boss instead of risking their necks trying to steal Pokemon from trainers.

But I guess Jessie, James, and Meowth aren't really all that smart anyway. :(


Well-Known Member
Yes, a random Pikach found in the woods would be able to match a Pikachu that has taken down a Ledgendary.

That Pikachu couldn't match an elekid. That pikachu can't beat any elekid now that I mention it. That pikachu has trouble with the whole evo line.


Scuffle of Legends
yes me and my brother went over this 937 729 263 926 026 603 163 725 412 208... times. they could have caught ANY pokemon.
but didn tthey think ashs pikachu was 'special'


Well-Known Member
All right, unlike you dweebs I don't **** the anime so PISS OFF!

LMAO. and you're 14!?! cmon you dont have to lie about your age on serebii. I mean disses like dweeb are used by 5-9 year olds. So you really don't have to lie. And Franky, kudos to you.
That Pikachu couldn't match an elekid. That pikachu can't beat any elekid now that I mention it. That pikachu has trouble with the whole evo line.

Pikachu OHKOd that Elekid. How hard is that to understand?

And the reason Pikachu has trouble with the evo line is because they ABSORB electric attacks which make them stronger, leaving Pikachu unable to use many moves.


Always Friends
*cough* That ruins TR's Plot... They need a Pikachu for Giovanni. Or however it's spelled. If they got a Pikachu, they give him to Giovanni, and them and Ash battling are over. No mroe Jesse and James.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
*cough* That ruins TR's Plot... They need a Pikachu for Giovanni. Or however it's spelled. If they got a Pikachu, they give him to Giovanni, and them and Ash battling are over. No mroe Jesse and James.

Actually, I don't think Sakaki has ever specifically stated that he wants Satoshi's Pikachu - he just wants rare Pokémon. Musashi and Kojirou have a fanatical vendetta against Satoshi's Pikachu for thwarting their plans in the second episode, so it's the only one they try to steal.
If I remember correctly, in an episode Sakaki flat out told Team Rocket that he wasn't interested in Pikachu.

I'd say by now Team Rocket has just gone insane from not catching Pikachu and are obsessed.