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Wow did any one notic...

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
that Entie cant learn Overheat and kobutops(sp?) cant learn earthquake?

but what the heck is up with entie NOT learning overheat


Well-Known Member
Entei is too cool for overheat. He looks at overheat and thinks "Pshh... I'm not a furnace, forget that."


Mew The Origin
Entei should have learnt eruption! overheat too! morning sun too! theres just too many things entei cant learn... -_-

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
It's uber, that's why

Shiny Venusaur

Internet Relic
but couldnt it learn it in the old R/B i dont remember


Fear the Deer
Kabutops never could learn Earthquake. In D/P Entei can Learn Overheat.


I am the game
Kabutops should have earthquake.

Adam 1475

Entei > You
Kabutops is too light to use earthquake...
It IS a fossil pokemon, right?
/\Yes it is a fossil, but why cant it use earthquake? Diglet is light, I believe that it can use earthquake, so why cant kaputops?


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
yer but digletts a mole, and burrows in2 the ground 2 cause the eq, same as how sandshrew triggered the fissure in the anime


Here comes da boom!
I agree you Mesh,with these blades he can't use EQ.''Waaaaaah,I'm gonna use EQ...(crack)Ooooooooouuuch!(Blade's broken)


Well-Known Member
Entei isn't the only fire type that can't learn Overheat, Magmar can't learn it either.


Furret rocks
Because the game designers never thought to programme the Pokemon in learning those attacks?


Powerplay Champion
im gonna agree, entei is absoloutely use less, and kabutops using earthquake... imo it just isn't a "big, strong" type