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WTF... I made sprites...



Kevin Katsuyori, a character from my graphic novel series, Innocence Gone


Francine Ullrich, female werewolf girlfriend/fiancee of Kevin's.

I was just screwing around and decided to try a go at some fighting game sprites.


Serebii's Ninja
ftw street fighter scratch sprites.
love the shading.


Well-Known Member
The guy could show more neck, and the girl could have a smaller pant size. Other than that, they look really good.


Thank you, all. I don't really sprite much, so I thought these'd be terrible x_x
Here's another for ya, from the same project.

Xeios Ballain, a vampire group leader.


Well-Known Member
wtf....dont take credit for scratch sprites when they arent scratch....theyre just edited, and not musch editing from what i can see


wtf....dont take credit for scratch sprites when they arent scratch....theyre just edited, and not musch editing from what i can see
Did I ever say I took credit? No. You're assuming. Yes; they are edits. Congradulations. You noticed something the others didn't.
Next time, do a little more research on what I type, padre. Also, learn to type like a normal person, 'k?

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
You know Clockworkz, it is good and smart to say if they're edited sprites.... and not lead people to believe you made them from scratch.

ftw street fighter scratch sprites.
love the shading.

You never said they were edited. You never said the bases weren't yours and etc. >_> and you never corrected. And when you make a title of 'I made sprites' people might assume you really did scratch them.

So yeah. It's not his fault for trying to correct you, or correct the people you chose not to correct.

So yeah you lose big respect points there :/

And since I don't know what editing is yours, and what isn't, I can't give crit on it as I might not be praising your work, but someone elses, and you just did an alright recoloring job.