• Hi all. We have had reports of member's signatures being edited to include malicious content. You can rest assured this wasn't done by staff and we can find no indication that the forums themselves have been compromised.

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I was in Serebii.net chatroom. I was talking with a guy named deoxys. He didn't seem to understand the concept of breeding (he thought that you could get any Pokemon you want by breeding two random Pokemon ROFL). I was going to give him this link: http://www.serebii.net/games/breed.shtml, and I got kicked for it, saying that I advertised.



o _O; That is the most moronic..

Can't you tell who booted you? Bring it up with them. (sorry, the chat never works for me ¬¬; )
Some shadow guy, but I'm assuming it was a bot since I got kicked as soon as i said the link.


Well-Known Member
dude,its auto kick if you put a like just take the www and http off and you'll be find(tohugh you'll get kicked if you realy advertise)
It's classed as advertising if you have the Http:// or www. in the url, just delete them and you'll be fine, it's a script.

However if you advertise without reason to do so, for example come into the chat and just start giving links out for no apparent reason or point, you'll get kicked for longer.

Besides, it's a kick for 5 minutes, surely you can fill that time with something else...
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Why do they kick for advertising if people ends up advertising anyway? o.o

Forgotten Member

Used to be Aipom
I don't know... IMO the autokicking for URLs should be gotten rid of. Just about every URL I've seen is relevant to the discussion, and no one has a problem with those. If there's ones that truly are advertising occasionally they'll get kicked anyway.


You got kicked off for showing a link to the breeding section of the main site because it was advertising? Now that's just plain weird. "You have been kicked off for advertising a great section of our main site" That's basically it. Probably a Bot.


Old Coot
And thus proves the chat needs it's ops to stop relying on those damned scripts and do some actual work themselves. :|


I don't think you can really judge if the ops do the jobs themselfs. The scripts are for when they're not there, and they prove useful most/some of the time. :p

Anyway, I guess the best thing to do would be have the scrips exclude serebii.net and its forums, but that could get annoying. ('OMG liek look at my new sig!!!!')

Forgotten Member

Used to be Aipom
The scripts are fine if they actually kick for something negative... the thing is, though, that I don't think I've ever seen someone get legitimately kicked for advertising a website. The vast majority of URLs linked to are a part of the conversation, not someone advertising.


CM said:
I don't think you can really judge if the ops do the jobs themselfs. The scripts are for when they're not there, and they prove useful most/some of the time. :p

Anyway, I guess the best thing to do would be have the scrips exclude serebii.net and its forums, but that could get annoying. ('OMG liek look at my new sig!!!!')

If I knew the exception part of the script, I could make it easy...all it would be is (Exclude bit here and whatever crap) www.serebii.net (That will exclude anything with www.serebii.net in it.
And do the same, but with the forum link. But sadly, I don't know it...


Old Coot
CM said:
I don't think you can really judge if the ops do the jobs themselfs. The scripts are for when they're not there, and they prove useful most/some of the time. :p

Anyway, I guess the best thing to do would be have the scrips exclude serebii.net and its forums, but that could get annoying. ('OMG liek look at my new sig!!!!')
Sorry, but the scripts are also used when they ARE active. I see their scripts do more than the actual ops themselves. o_O


Normal Coordinator
Ah, that would be my fault *is that Shadow guy*

Even if I were to turn off the advertising scripts, Cayenne's scripts would still be in effect which are the same as mine. Though whenever I'm active, I do unban people if they accidentally get kicked but if I unban people because they posted legitimate links, then I'll get in trouble x|

And Ed, we don't always rely on those scripts, we DO do our jobs when need be.

Um, guys, if you do ever get kicked by my scripts and think it's unfair, simply /query or /notice me and I'll probably unban. If I'm on one of my away nicknames though, I can't guarantee I will respond :/

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Actually, most of the time we unban people who accidently trip the scripts, Serebii goes off on one saying that nobody should be unbanned from a script kick, and he usually rebans them. So even if we could do something about it, he'd step in and change it again.


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
RaZoR LeAf said:
Actually, most of the time we unban people who accidently trip the scripts, Serebii goes off on one saying that nobody should be unbanned from a script kick, and he usually rebans them. So even if we could do something about it, he'd step in and change it again.
Wtf thats BS, I rarely or have never said that. I do not remember EVER doing that on someone who was not Matt

Get your facts straight Dan


Old Coot
Serebii said:
Wtf thats BS, I rarely or have never said that. I do not remember EVER doing that on someone who was not Matt

Get your facts straight Dan
Then uh..what IS the excuse why they can't unban when someone trips over the scripts by mistake? >_> Because the Ops there all seem to say the same thing.
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