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ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
I went to register my copy of Mario Kart DS when a little sign appeared saying that the code had already been registered by someone else. I bought it brand new and I know I didnt register it twice so wtf?

Galatica Phantom

Mineral Trainer
Naruto Uzumaki said:
I went to register my copy of Mario Kart DS when a little sign appeared saying that the code had already been registered by someone else. I bought it brand new and I know I didnt register it twice so wtf?

I don't have a DS yet, but maybe you should reset your DS blow the game and DS and try again.

Or contact Nintendo.


Hive Trainer
Oh, man thats stinks for you :(. I dont think you get much for registering a game at nintendo.com ,but if you really want to register it I suggest you email Nintendo and tell what happened.

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
Galatica Phantom said:
I don't have a DS yet, but maybe you should reset your DS blow the game and DS and try again.

Or contact Nintendo.

Snorlax4eva said:
Oh, man thats stinks for you . I dont think you get much for registering a game at nintendo.com ,but if you really want to register it I suggest you email Nintendo and tell what happened.
Meh I like the little trinkets they give you and if you get enough you can get some cool stuff. I spose I'm going to e-mail them then.