I just got Pokemon Blue from GameStop and then I started playing it about a week ago. Right now I'm at Celadon City and I just defeated Erika with my newly-evolved Charizard. I wanted a Charizard before i fought Erika so I beat the Team Rocket Hideout first to get Charizard. But when my Charmeleon evolved, it COULDN'T learn HM 02 Fly. W.T.H.?
Well, these are some things that might have caused it but I'm not sure, just considering them because they're a bunches of glitches in R/B/G/Y.
1) I already did the Mew Glitch
2) When my Charmeleon was Level: 35, I used a Rare Candy to make it evolve.
Soo...can anyone help me out?
Well, these are some things that might have caused it but I'm not sure, just considering them because they're a bunches of glitches in R/B/G/Y.
1) I already did the Mew Glitch
2) When my Charmeleon was Level: 35, I used a Rare Candy to make it evolve.
Soo...can anyone help me out?