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wyvern hill where is the key?


fredfredburger yes!
i don't see a key in the whole place and i have to get fly i have this extra key i got from solar cave so could i use it on there?

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
you can find a key in solor cave.


Keys can actually also be found in the Desert Region, which is unlocked for free after buying the Furnace Desert friend area from Wigglytuff.


Psychic Trainer
u can also get keys in far off sea, i didnt know until i saw one just now. :)

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
the only places keys can be found is solar cave and western cave, and western cave is practicly MADE of keys >.>

true, all you really need is an exscape orb and like 5 reviver seeds. your leader needs x-ray specs.

yay 15 keys :D