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Xbox Live Gamertags


This thread is for all you xbox live players on serebii to meet up,chat and play with each other.
Gamertag : Gladiator v1
games playing online : halo 2 and burnout revenge.
ready to take all friend request's.
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Snorlax 360

Sea Ruby Trainer
Tag: Timesplitter 6
Games: All the big ones AKA Halo 2, Forza, Conker, PGR2, etc.


Don't ask.
I made a gamer tag, but I only used it for a 2-month trial.
I'll be getting it back, but I need to find out if I have an ethernet cable stored in this jumbled mess :rolleyes:
I will be playing Halo2 (of course)
and Star Wars Battlefront 2 when it comes out :)


Souten ni zase!
Mmmmm, I use my sisters which is "Fuzzy Elite" and we only play on Halo 2. Send us a friend request, saying that you were from Serebii. I got a mic too and play on my Xbox 360.

Ill be getting mine on Christmas eve so yeah.


You're on a Nintendo forum, most people here are completely anti-Xbox. Remember, here it's "cool" to hate Microsoft.

Anyway, mine is WinterSnowblind.


Ishida is not gay D:
I play Halo2 and my gametag is Zatch Bell0
Send me a friend request. If you like Anime, join my Halo2 Clan, 'The Anime Clan."


revelations1 17
I'll be playing on Perfect Dark Zero and Halo. My tag is,

revelations1 17