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XD and Colloseum questions


herd u liek mudkips?
Does Prof. Krane have a first name?

Can you tell me all you know about Michael's father? I need to know for a one-shot I made. Any mention of his name? I seem to remember someone in the game saying that Michael's dad created the Purification chamber, is that true? When did he create it? What happened to him? Is there any information concerning him? Please tell me all you know!

What do Lovrina and Krane say when you say "Yes" to Lovrina after she asks you if you want to join Cipher?

What is the silver thing on Wes' head?

How was the big Snag Machine in Snagem Hideout used? If it wasn't portable, how did they get the Pokemon?


There is only one question that I can answer here, that if you say yes to join he just says "Dont be joking around"...


What is the silver thing on Wes' head?
Most likely a form of goggles (Go-Goggles, perhaps) to keep his face free of sand.
How was the big Snag Machine in Snagem Hideout used? If it wasn't portable, how did they get the Pokemon?
The Snag Machine transforms a Poke Ball into a Snag Ball. The large one undoubtedly transforms the balls all at once, rather than doing it as the Snagger's about to catch the Pokemon.


herd u liek mudkips?
Thank you, Bent.

Can anyone answer the first two questions? Is there any XD veteran around here who knows? I'm desperate!

Oh, Sniper, Green Dragonite, your posts are spam.


Well-Known Member
ok question, to get the johto starters, you beat mt. battle. so here's the question, if i lose a battle, then do i have to start over or can i just complete it and still get the starter?


um, and stuff
You have to start over unless you saved befor yo faced the guy you lost against I did that for the last guy


herd u liek mudkips?
I'm still waiting for my answers to 1 and 2...I'm impatient because I want to post my one-shot fanfic. PLEASE!


um, and stuff
Well we don't know but I'm thinking that his father is Wes but that does not make sense because it's 5 years after and Michael is 10


herd u liek mudkips?
So, his father isn't given a name. Is Prof. Krane given a first name?

Who came up with the idea of the Purification Chamber?


um, and stuff
No Krane does not have a name that I know of. But I think it was Lily and Kranes idea for the chamber


herd u liek mudkips?
Oh, then I must have just imagined someone saying that it was my fathers dream or work or something like that early on in the game (I think after Krane was kidnapped.)

And, there is no hints as to what happened to him? (It puzzles me why my character got upset right after I started the game when a guy near the virtual machines mentioned my characters dad. Perhaps he did something terrible? Perhaps something terrible happened to him?)


He apparetly died,in the very start of the game if you speak to an old man he will mention something about Michael's father but then says ''oh sorry I promised to not talk about him'',so he is probaly dead.


herd u liek mudkips?
Okay, just read an article on Prof. Krane on Bulbapedia which states that he and Michael's dad started the Purification Chamber project. I'm just about ready to post my one-shot. Thanks for all your help.