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XD official soundtrack

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well earlier i asked for a song and got told on. baka no koto
1 day on the boards and get my topic closed. I'm glad you guys care...LOL Anyways I have no problem with buying this cd if it exists. Anyone have info on the soundtrack? thanks in advance fellers and ladies.

Your Vintage Death God

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
it was closed because asking for downloads or anything of the sort is againts the rules, which we all had to agree to before joining these forums

and this is kinda spam which is another rule broken.

I do not have any idea if they are even going to make a sound track


Well-Known Member
How is this spam? He's asking if there's a sound track for the game. Except for the fact this might be more relevant in the multimedia section, it's not spam. He's asking a question that's not answered in the FAQ or on the main site. He's not asking for a download.


I don't think they have a soundtrack of this game.

Asking for downloads of them is agaisnt the board rules, that's why your other topic was closed. This one makes sense though.

Is there a Colloseam soundtrack though?

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
I can only remember a Pokemon fire red and leaf green japanese sound track...

Colosseum didn't have one....

so I don't know, try recording the sounds on a phone or something and just listning to them that way

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
Only place I know that will have the soundtrack will be VG Music but you'll have to wait for it to be uploaded or go there your self and request it.
Since when there was a sound track for FR and LG


Twilight of Aquarius
Why would there be a soundtrack for XD and Colosseum? Both games didn't have a lot of tracks, and you could listen to just about all of them just by going to a certain area. Soundtracks are best for games that have song during a certain part of the game's storyline.


AKA mattgcn
Colloseum had about 30-some tracks, but lots are jingles. My site has them ripped. XD I haven't delved into yet but it has many more.


Heh, it seems that you're not able to rip music off of GCN discs. BUT, you can from PlayStation and PS2, though. Yet, you can't rip the music off of a FFXI disc. The music/sound files are unrippable, plus, they are a different file format. Just pop in a PSX and/or PS2 game disc into your computer and then you can rip it by using Windows Media Player 10.

I have found the Tales of Symphonia OST on the web and have it now on BitTorrent. I left my laptop on all night to download FFVIII soundtrack, but when I looked at it this morning, it only had 0.0% complete...

Edit: W00T. I'm an Earth Trainer now. Yes...


The Amazing
adamgnome said:
But those won't be the MP3's, those'll be terrible midis. X_X
It's not all bad on there.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Dark Venusaur said:
Since when there was a sound track for FR and LG
it was in japan only, I saw it on an import site somewhere a while ago

XD002 Icemewtwo

Naraku_Diabolos said:
Heh, it seems that you're not able to rip music off of GCN discs. BUT, you can from PlayStation and PS2, though. Yet, you can't rip the music off of a FFXI disc. The music/sound files are unrippable, plus, they are a different file format. Just pop in a PSX and/or PS2 game disc into your computer and then you can rip it by using Windows Media Player 10.

I have found the Tales of Symphonia OST on the web and have it now on BitTorrent. I left my laptop on all night to download FFVIII soundtrack, but when I looked at it this morning, it only had 0.0% complete...

Edit: W00T. I'm an Earth Trainer now. Yes...
Oh my gosh really I am getting a PS2 for Christmas and SC3 yay sorry it was off topic!:D


Veteran member
Uhh,does somemone have a Bonsly cry?


Active Member
As far as I know there are no English soundtrakes. There never have been for Pokemon games. And RedJirachi that was off-topic.


Lightning Swordsman
There was never a soundtrack for colosseum, instead some kind soul at VGMP3 ripped the music for all of us. All we can hope for now is someone from VGMP3 rip the music. I've been asking around that forum for a while now, and no one wants to do it. I'm really just interested in a couple of tracks, too...
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