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XD Team-Orre Colosseum


Yarg. I don't know what pokemon to put safeguard on :(.

They all are level 64

Jolteon (M) @ Cheri Berry ** Sid
Trait: Volt Absorb
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Protect
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt

Camerupt (M) @ White Herb ** Lllama
Trait: Magma Armor
Hardy Nature (Neutral)
- Earthquake
- Flamethrower
- Rock Slide
- Charm

Aggron (M) @ Guard Spec ** George
Trait: Rock Head
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Double-Edge
- Iron Tail
- Focus Punch
- Substitute

Dragonite (M) @ Salac Berry ** Puff
Trait: Inner Focus
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Thunder
- Wing Attack
- Earthquake

Snorlax (M) @ Leftovers ** Slim
Trait: Thick Fat
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Shadow Ball
- Body Slam
- Rest
- Curse

Gardevoir (M) @ (No Item) ** Charlie
Trait: Trace
Careful Nature (+SDef -Speed)
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Calm Mind
- Hypnosis

I <3 my nicknames
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Well-Known Member
Some of your items and natures are a bit weird. Go leftovers on them all except Jolt which could have Petaya Berry.

Jolteon@ Petaya Berry

Baton Pass

Bite is fine ingame. Agility/T Wave can work too

Camerupt wants Brave nature and Explosion as last move.

Aggron wants Adamant. Rock Slide would be nice over Iron Tail.

Lonely Dragonite

Careful Snorlax

Modest Gardevoir. Will-o-Wisp over Hypnosis imo

Pretty good team, only thing is that other than Jolt you're all pretty slow, so you might want to pass some agilitys around. O bugger this is for Orre colo. 1v1 strategies don't really work in 2v2. Explosion is good though. You could also have Boomlacks. Throw a load of protects and eqs in there as well
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Well-Known Member
Some of your items and natures are a bit weird. Go leftovers on them all except Jolt which could have Petaya Berry.

All items have to be different in the Orre Colosseum.

It makes more sense to put Overheat on Camerupt if you're using White Herb.



It seems like you have no 2 vs. 2 strategies at all.

You also have a 3x Ground weak, and guess what? Earthquakes are everywhere in 2 vs. 2. Needs more Ghosts/Flyers. I seriously suggest replacing Aggron for something more useful.

Give Snorlax Selfdestruct and Earthquake.
Endure on Dragonite (Dragon Dancing doesn’t work well in 2 vs. 2 unless your partner uses Follow Me).


Well-Known Member
Some more points:

Aggron: Guard Spec. is NOT a hold item, it won't do anything when held.

Gardevoir: Careful is +Special Defense, -Special Attack, a very bad nature for it.

A strategy you might want to think about is Thunderdancing, it worked well for me in the Orre Colosseum with Zapdos and Kingdra, though you could use Jolteon and Starmie. Something like:

- Rain Dance
- Thunder
- Thunder Wave
- Protect

- Waterfall
- Thunder
- Ice Beam
- Psychic/Reflect/Light Screen/Recover