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Xiaolin Showdown/The Mask RP: Revenge of Jack Spicer


Bewear my power
...don't ask XD I just like the Mask and thought Jack might deserve some time in the spotlight...with everyone's favorite magical artifact of doom.

The RPG's rated PG-13, BTW.


Long ago, a battle was waged between the forces of good, represented by Grand Master Dragon Dashi, and the forces of evil, represented by the Heylin witch Wuya. Dashi pitted his mystical power objects, the Shen Gong Wu, against Wuya’s dark magic. Dashi triumphed, and imprisoned Wuya in a simple wooden puzzle box. Fifteen hundred years later, that box was opened by the self-described “evil boy genius” named Jack Spicer. Wuya was released as a ghostly, disembodied, floating head, and together, Jack and Wuya set out to conquer the world.

The only thing standing in Jack and Wuya’s way were four kids, each being trained at a temple in China. These were the four Dragons of the Elements. Omi, the Dragon of the Water, lived at the temple and never left it in all his life. Kimiko Tohomiko, the Dragon of Fire, hailed from Japan, where her father was the head of a highly-advanced electronics company. Clay Bailey, Dragon of Earth, came from Texas, a cowboy who used phrases from his home often. Finally, there was Raimundo Pedrosa, the Dragon of Wind, who came from Brazil and, after quite a few adventures, became the leader of the group.

Elsewhere, however, a wooden mask floated through a sewer main and wound up in the home of Jack Spicer. This mask, which Jack found out by putting it on, unleashed the wearer’s hidden desires, as well as giving that same wearer incredible strength, speed, durability, and the ability to defy reality in the immediate area. This mask also made the wearer almost completely insane, giving them a large, green head to house it all. This mask had no name other than the Mask, and that title was bestowed upon the wearer.

Jack had very few hidden desires: he wanted to learn martial arts without having to go through all the trouble of practice and classes. He wanted to be fearless, like his evil idols Chase Young and Hannibal Roy Bean. He wanted to be the smartest, most cunning evil boy genius to ever walk the face of the earth. Unfortunately, the Mask granted all these desires, transforming the whimpering, fearful and stupid Jack Spicer into a powerful, fearless master of evil. The monks were about to find out how much Jack had changed because of the Mask….

The Xiaolin Temple vault. Where every last Shen Gong Wu collected was stored. The floor was open, and a teen stepped out.

This teen, Jack Spicer, had flaming red hair atop his head (which, as a result of the Mask’s magic, was large and green) along with a pair of yellow goggles with a red swirl pattern on them. His eyes were red, the large, green head amplifying their redness. He wore a black trenchcoat with a vampire-like collar. His skin, apart from his head, was pale and white, and his hands had black gauntlets on them. He was carrying a brown bag that was very large: it appeared to be at least three times the size of Jack himself.

It was then that the four Xiaolin Dragons—Omi, Raimundo, Kimiko and Clay—rushed in, intent on stopping Jack. Omi’s yellow skin and large, bald head were the most noticeable, even more so than his red kimono and black pants. Kimiko’s black, pigtail hairstyle topped her head, her own red kimono matching Omi’s in everything except pants. Clay’s cowboy hat covered his blonde hair, which, in turn, covered his blue eyes, contrasting his red kimono. Raimundo’s black kimono with white pants and red flames on the sides of the sleeves was the most noticeable, yet not as much as Omi.

“Jack Spicer!” Omi cried “Prepare for….uh, there is something different about you.”

“Uh…try the fact that his head’s big and green…” Raimundo said, staring at Jack’s head

“I see you’ve noticed my da-ha-ha-shing good looks.” Jack said, his large teeth showing through a green-lipped smile

“Ew, he’s even weirder than before.” Kimiko said, cringing “What’s up with Jack, anyway?”

“Uh, anyway…” Omi said “Stop, Jack Spicer! You cannot escape us!”

Jack set down the bag and then, spun around and around, so fast that he was a blur. A second later, he was dressed in a black pirate outfit (complete with skull-and-crossbones hat and a green, lifeless parrot on his shoulder), a cannon resting in front of him.

“Not this time, maties!” he cried in a pirate-like voice “Arr!”

The cannon fired, and the Dragons all scattered.

“Uh, guys, does this strike anybody as seriously weird?” Raimundo asked

“Yeeep…” Clay said in a southern accent “’weird’ just about sums it up.”

“Now, I shall have my—” Jack, back to his normal appearance (still wearing the Mask), began, but Kimiko interrupted by spinning her hands around in flaming circles

“Wudai Mars, Fire!” she cried, sending three blasts of fire towards Jack

Jack, however, was ready. Merely by bending himself backwards and leaning to the right a bit, the flame passed by harmlessly, as did the second as he leaned in the opposite direction in a similar manner. The last flame was dodged as Jack seized hold of his thighs and pulled his entire hip area up, letting the fire pass beneath him.

“Oooh, hoo-hoo!” he laughed “Hot one, Kimiko!”

Kimiko, unable to say anything, merely stared as Jack suddenly spun around again, becoming a blur, and planted around twelve exploding cigars in her mouth. Lighting them all with an unnaturally large flame produced from a cigarette lighter, Jack suddenly spun on top of Clay’s cowboy hat, letting the cigars in Kimiko’s mouth explode in her face.

“Git offa me, Jack!” Clay shouted, grabbing Jack’s ankle and smashing him into the ground.

Down on the ground, however, Jack turned the tables by twisting his other leg around his own, almost as if his legs were made of rubber. Letting them untwist at an incredibly fast rate, Clay was sent for a ride as he was spun along with the ankle in his hand and then thrown into the wall, yelling the entire time.

“Jack, what’s up with you?!” Raimundo demanded of Jack, freaked out by Jack’s odd behavior

In a blur of movement, Jack was in front of Raimundo, so close that Raimundo could feel Jack’s breath

“I…am no longer…” Jack began in an odd voice, but switched to his normal voice to say “Pardon my accent.”

“Anyway…I…am no longer Jack Spicer…” Jack said in his odd voice again

He smacked Raimundo’s shoulder, spinning him around at a rate that was a blur of movement, then smacked him hard, sending him into the wall.

“I AM…” Jack said loudly, so that all could hear “JACK MASK!! YA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!”

Clay, having recovered, fired off his own Wudai technique

“Wudai Crater,” Clay said, his hands becoming covered with mud “earth!”

Calling upon the power of earth, Clay sent rocks from underground towards Jack Mask. Jack, however, was ready. Merely turning around, he pulled on a handle from his pocket like one similar to the one that a person would find on an inflatable toy. In fact, Jack Mask’s buttocks inflated to mass proportions, the rocks Clay sent merely bouncing off in different directions.

“Well, it’s been real,” Jack said “but it’s time for me to make my final scene…IN YOUR LIVES!!”

Reaching into his pockets, Jack yanked out an immense mass of large guns, all of which were aimed at the Monks.

“Hey, at least you’ll all go out with a BANG!!” Mask said, somehow managing to pull all the triggers

Instead of bullets, however, all the guns merely sprouted white flags saying “BANG!”.

“….you’ve gotta be kidding!” Raimundo said

“May-hay-hay-haybe.” Mask said, pulling the triggers again, this time causing all the flags to fire out of the guns and riddle the bodies of the Monks with holes, killing all four of them.

“I HAVE DONE IT!!” Mask said, putting away his “guns” and reaching into the air “I HAVE DONE WHAT EVEN CHASE YOUNG AND HANNIBAL BEAN COULDN’T!! I DESTROYED THE MONKS!! MUAHAHAHAHAAA!!”

Pausing for a moment, the Mask put a finger to his chin.

“Y’know, maybe I shouldn’t sound so cheesy.” he said “Ah, well. TIME FOR WORLD DOMINATION, BABY!! WEE-HOO!! WOOO!!”

Jack Mask paused again.

“But, first…” he said, blazing off in a blur of movement towards the bag of Shen Gong Wu “THE WU!”

Jack Mask picked up the bag and blazed out of the temple, planning to outdo even Chase Young and Hannibal Roy Bean. Outside, a very old man with a blue vest on his white shirt and black pants stood alongside a green, snake-like creature with two arms, yellow, sharp teeth, yellow eyes and a small red feather ball on his tail. They watched with fear at Jack Mask’s triumph as the maniac villain sped out of the temple.

“This is most unfortunate.” the old man, Fung, said “The Xiaolin Dragons…are no more.”

“I could swear I saw something like that happen before,” the dragon, Dojo, said, putting a clawed finger to his chin “something around—WHOA!”

“What is it, Dojo?” Fung asked

“Jack must’ve found the Mask of Loki!” Dojo cried “I’ve seen that happen a hundred times before!”

“Interesting…” Fung said “How do you know this, Dojo?”

“You’re talkin’ to a fifteen-hundred-year-old dragon.” Dojo said “There isn’t a lot I haven’t seen in the world.”

“Nevertheless,” Fung said “we must choose four new Xiaolin Dragons to combat Jack Mask’s threat. We must move quickly: who knows what Jack can accomplish with all the Shen Gong Wu in his possession as well as the Mask itself?”


You heard Fung. Four new Dragons have to come to fight Jack Mask. Or, you could just be a Heylin guy/gal looking to take the Wu and the Mask from Jack. And what evil freak wouldn't? Anyway...here's the sign-up.

Name: (Last name optional.)
Age: (something reasonable, unless you're Chase Young. Since when could we have physically challenged old hags going into Showdowns?)
Gender: (Male or female, take your pick.)
Appearance: (around 3-4 lines)
Personality: (again, 3-4 lines)
History: (at least 5 lines)
Side: (Xiaolin, Heylin, or Neutral? Take your pick)
Element: (You only need this if you're Xiaolin. If you are, you have a choice from Fire, Earth, Wind and Water)

Okay...before anyone asks, I GET JACK MASK! Sorry, people, but Jack is sorta the main villain here...so I control him. Rest assured...you will see LOTS of humor from him.

Oh, and BTW, you can play canonical characters (i.e. Chase Young, Wuya ((she's solid)), Hannibal Roy Bean, etc.), too. Just make a sign-up for them, I'll see if it works, and you're in.

Okay...I'll post Jack Mask's sign-up in a bit. First, though, I'll wait 'till a few other people sign up.

King of the Munchlax

Needs a new name...
Name: Leonardo “Leo” Sargato

Age: 16 (almost 17)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Leo could easily be mistaken as a vampire being tall at exactly six feet with spiked sand blonde hair, pure albino white skin, and blood red eyes. Before the war with Nautomaton, his body had no muscle mass at all. This quickly changed due to the constant battles he had with Diablo, Nautomaton, and the Egg Empire. The Lunar Locket from his dimseion hangs around his neck. His whole body is covered in a series of blue tatoos that glow when he enters a trans.

He usual wears a white light weight hoodie, long blue jeans, and a pair of black boots. Under his hoodie is a white T-shirt with a small Japanese symbol for Earth on it.

Personality: Leo was once very silent and reserved, almost to the point of no emotion. He never showed mercy towards anyone or anything and never got along with anyone as well. However, three years of war has changed him completly. He now is far more kind, works well with others, and easily shows emotion. The only trace of his old personality his mercilessness towards evil people. He now holds back much his enormous power when fighting since he likes the thrill of battle.

Side: Xiaolin

History: Leo had rough life growing up. He was often tortured and made fun of for his inhuman abilities. At one point of his life he was held against his will at an top secret assylum where the tirture was at its worst. Due to an earthquake, which was acutally his powers to shift the Earth, he was able to escape.

His travel eventually took him the Temple of Master Monk Guan. He was believe to be the missing Dragon of Earth, and he was quickly told the situation. A robot named Nautomaton was trying to gather the Shen Gong Wu and use them become ruler of every dimension. Another man from another dimension was also trying to due this on a much, much smaller scale as well. Nautomaton had also killed the four Xiaolin monks in Leo's dimesion to make his goals easier as well.

At first, Leo was reluctant to help out, but soon found he was the only one who could so much as hurt Nautomaton's main henchmen, Diablo. Diablo was a powerful robot, almost as powerful as Nautomaton himself, who controled Fire and Ice making it hard for Serenity, the new Dragon of Water, and Koryu, the new Dragon of Fire, to fight him, and he wasn't even hurt by wind attacks from the new Wind Dragon, Zane. Often handling Diablo himself, the other Xiaolin Dragons were able to gather most of the Wu over the course of the war since the other sides (aside from Nautomaton's Empire) weren't much of a threat to them.

After several adventures including getting Serenity back on the side of good, finding out the truth of several of the villians, freeing several Dimensions from Nautomaton's influenece, and acquiring their true elemental powers, the Dragons confronted Nautomaton and Diablo. The battle was long and harsh, but the Dragons won. They managed to destroy Nautomaton's demention hopping watch, trapped him in a baren world using the Golden Tiger Claws, destroyed his empire, and freed the world from his infulence.

However, Diablo had managed to escape before Leo could kill him. He managed to gather the remaing forces of Nautomaton's army and attacked the Xiaolin Temple. The battle was over quickly since the Dragons had every last Shen Gong Wu with them, were full fledge Dragons, and had been doing nothing but trainin to prevent another evil out brake.

Diablo and Leo were locked in combat. Leo easily dodged Diablos blows and returned them ten thousand fold. In desperation, Diablo grabbed the Golden Tiger Claws (a Wu that transports its user any where they want) and fled. Leo managed to jump through the portal at the last second.

They both landed in the dimention where Jack had aquired the Mask of Loki. Diablo standing no chance against Leo ran away the second he landed. Having no way to get back, Leo searched the stange world and found out it was almost exactly like his being the small detail he and his friends didn't exist. He soon found the Xiaolin Temple, found out the situation and agreed to take Clay's place as the Dragon of Earth.

Other: Leo is blind. Although blind, Leo can see as long as he is near the ground. His mind picks up energy waves and makes a mental picture for him. Also, his telekinetic powers aren't very strong due to the fact he is using most of his power moving himself around and his over use of them in the Nautomaton War. While he has great powers in his Earth control, he often tends to hold back.

Element: Earth
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Don't leave me!
Yay. another showdown RPG that sounds increadebly interesting. Lets just hope this does better than the other one. I'm keeping my former character with just a few tweeks.

Name: Serenity Fetherthrow (betcha didn't see that coming)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Apperance: She has long litrally golden hair with red highlights, pulled back into a loose ponytail. Alongside blue eyes with a pupil so black and you feel like you're sinking into it she gets a lot of "Male attention" although she doesn't take too kindly to this.

She wears an red vest shirt with a short blue skirt and a black backle belt. She also wears red sanles and a threaded shell necklace which is regularly used to choke her.

She is quite small for her age, being a measly 5:3

Personality: She has a short teather which helps a lot in her fighting. She gets pretty angry with people if they say bad things about or to her. She speaks her mind and has witty comments to throw back at people that insult her. Apart from that she is relativly happy and loves to laugh. Although that is true she has had a lot of heartbreaks in her life and that has made her slightly shy and withdrwn.

Side: Xiaolin

History: She was constantly moved from school to school due to her bussiness tycoon father. He had many wifes, after divorsing each one, and that led Serenity to the help of a martial arts class to take out her anger. She was a natural and soon became a black belt having beat nearly every person in the class at least twenty times.

When her dad got an offer from a very large celebrity that he couldn't refuse, Serenity was forced to move areas...and continents, to Asia. There she was put in a boarding school which made things a heck of a lot worse.

She got picked on and eventually began starving herself to make her father see sense. it didn't work, the headteacher got on the phone with him and he just told her to stop being selfish.

While there she had one person who she thought understood her, her boyfriend, Tobias. He made her the happyest she had been in years but that changed when she found out he was cheating on her.

She was heart broken and now returned to her sadness. She then did the only thing that she seemed posible to do-she ran away into the forest. After many weeks of walking and living on the fruit that came from the trees and the water from a river that ran up there, she found refuge in a small base that was called the Xiaolin Temple. She colapsed upon entry and was taken to a room. She woke up two days later and was told of Jack "The Mask" Spicer and his working plot to rule the world.

Element: Water


Name: Haizea Aintza
Age: 14
Gender: Female

Appearance: Haizea has a nice russet coloured hair colour, which has recently been cut shorter and now reaches her shoulers, falling in ringlets. Her eyes are a bright turquoise colour, which unfortunately clashes with her hair colour to some extent. People usually think she either dyed her hair or she wears contacts, which are both false. Haizea wears her hair tied up in a high pionytail in battle, to make sure her hair doesn't go into her face. Since she has to tie her hair up at nearly any time, she wears threee hairties around her right wrist, incase she loses two.
Haizea wears a pale blue, loose T-shirt with sleeves that go down to her mid-forearm but the sleeves fall back to her elbows alot. She also wears a long, loose, flowing, brown skirt that reaches down to her ankles with a long black cord tied around her waist. She wears shorts underneath of course, but you never really see them for the obvious reason.

Personality: Haizea is open to talking. She'll approach a complete stranger and talk to him/her as if he/she was Haizea's best friend. Haizea is also bubbly and happy alot of the time, which makes her not so keen on the battling part of this all. But when she's in battle, Haizea can expertly use her element to help her fight and also is skilled with normal hand-to-hand combat since she done alot of atheletics and watched and mimicked martial arts movies. Haizea is on the optimistic side and isn't afraid of losing, which makes her a bit less able to fight in battle since she rarely has the desire to win. Haizea seems to be easy to manipulated, but she has a good head and can usually judge how good a person is upon first meeting them. Haizea has a bit of a peacemaking ability which she relies on a bit, but something tells her her peacemaking ability won't help her now.

History: Haizea had lived in little New Zealand until she was five, until her parents moved to England, where Haizea made new friends, mainly male since she can't seem to get along with females as well, and lived happily. She also had alot of holidys to France to visit her grandparents and has been on a few trips to Spain and Italy to see her aunts, uncles and cousins. Not many people in her extended family can speak English, so Haizea often translated for them. She had learned French at a very young age and can speak it pretty much fluently as well as knowing the basics in Spanish and Italian, although she gets them mixed up alot. Haizea mainly uses English since that's what her parents, older brother and friends speak. She also finds it easier to speak than the other languages anyway, since Ebglish was her first language.
Haizea's close twenty-something year old cousin invited her for a trip around parts or Europe and Asia and Haizea was happy to accept.
But, one day in Asia, it was raining pretty and there was thunder and lightning everywhere. Haizea was nervous but hid it as her and her cousin continued hiking. Due to the storm, they became lost and Haizea slipped down a small cliff, gaining herself a few cuts and bruises as well as a twisted arm. Her cousin called out to her but Haizea was out cold.
She woke up in the morning when the weather was fine and then she decided to start looking for her cousin and a way back up the cliff. She walked for a few hours along the side of the cliff in the direction she came, but found nothing. Although someone found her. And Haizea was offered to have a place to stay at the Xiaolin Temple until she had recovered from her minor injuries and they had contacted her cousin. She ignored her minor wounds and spent time exploring the temple and then found out about the situation with Jack Spicer and offered to help. She was immediately accepted since there was something in the air that said it was a good idea to let Haizea take the place as the Dragon of Wind.

Side: Xiaolin

Element: Wind


Bewear my power

King of the Munchlax: Eh...Leo's accepted. Nautomaton can't really die, though...his brain chip is programmed to repair itself good as new (all memories intact) and just walk off on six spider legs to a new type of body. Diablo probably wouldn't work here, really...if all you'll really play with is Leo, you're accepted.

flygonrulz: YAY! *throws confetti into the air* Accepted, of course. Why wouldn't I? Ren-beating-up-guys moments are priceless. And that's just one reason. Oh, and thanks for the PM!

Bandana: Ah...THERE you are! Accepted, too. Haven't seen you since the ol' Naruto RP....might restart that if this dies. Or, I could move on to my first Code Lyoko RP...argh, I'm getting WAY off-track.

Anyway...here's Jack Mask's sign-up.

Name: Jack "The Mask" Spicer/Jack Mask
Age: Uh...14-ish?
Gender: Male.
Appearance: Jack Mask has flaming red hair with a pair of yellow goggles with a red swirl pattern on them. His eyes were red, his big, green head (while he wears the Mask) amplifying their redness. He wears a black trenchcoat with a vampire-like collar. His skin, apart from his head (again, when he wears the Mask), is pale and white, and his hands have black gauntlets on them. He also has black shoes with bronze-ish ankles. There is also makeup scars under his eyes.
Personality: Before Jack got the Mask of Loki, he was your basic wimpy "boy genius": he screamed like a girl when threatened, had absolutely NO physical prowess whatsoever, was a total momma's boy, and let's not forget that his only real talent was robot-building. When he got the Mask, though, that all changed. While he wears the Mask (which, for future reference, can only be used at night. The raid on the temple in the plot took place at night), Jack is a completely insane lunatic with a sense of humor that was a combination of sadisticness, Looney Tunes, goofyness and mischievousness. For best results, combine the personalities of an evil Bugs Bunny, the Joker, and a really crazy prank master.
History: Jack aspired to conquer the world in second grade, building robots to aid him in his quest. While making plans, he recieved Wuya's puzzle box, setting the Heylin witch's ghost form free to tell him about the Shen Gong Wu. His battles with the Dragons lasted for quite a while, many Shen Gong Wu winding up in the hands of different sides in the process. Jack eventually obtained the Mask and became Jack Mask, taking revenge upon the Dragons by killing them and stealing their Shen Gong Wu.
Side: Neutral...even though he's totally insane.

Okay....once we have all four Dragons, we'll get started.


Don't leave me!
Thanks, one thing though. If Bandana's dragon of the wind and we're carrying this on from Nautomaton, says king of the munchlax's history text, nothing makes sense. At all. We need to get this sorted. -_-

King of the Munchlax

Needs a new name...
Sorry about the Diablo bit. I made them second profiles just in case there ever was a sequel to Nautomaton's Reign and saved both on the same file. I then updated both based on the story though I wonder why I kept Diablo. I got rid of his entry.

Also Flygon, Leo's history says he simply followed Diablo through a portal to this demention and decided to help out since Diablo is much weaker then he used to be. So technally this isn't a sequel to Nautomaton's Reign. I'll gladly change the history if Morph wants me to.

Also, I had no clue Nautomaton couldn't die, so I changed the history a bit.
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Don't leave me!
It actually says that...

"Diablo was a powerful robot, almost as powerful as Nautomaton himself, who controled Fire and Ice making it hard for Serenity, the new Dragon of Water, and Koryu, the new Dragon of Fire, to fight him, and he wasn't even hurt by wind attacks from the new Wind Dragon, Zane."

Dragon of the wind now is Bandana although enflamedsteelix did say to me that he'd think about it.