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Xplay Fan Club

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Latias Fanatic


^ my screen saver ^​
welcome sinistar
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Latias Fanatic

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww man i missed it
oh well any of you watch countdown to Xbox 360 special hosted by x-play
new topic what phrases do you like about x-play
i like "its adam sessler , morgan webb and a monkey!" and "its adam sessler and morgan webb!" and yes im the co-owner

Latios Fanatic

my fav i "one is a secret russian spy its Adam Sessler and Morgen Webb" Adam:Its her! Morgan:Its Him!

Latios Fanatic

we lost topic my fav intro is now now able to use iilegel sleeper holds its adam sessler and morgen webb
EDIT:p.S:my name is Tim


Unleash your Phantom
May I join? Morgan Webb's my fave character. Adam and Ratty are at a close second.

I had something cool happen. Depending on your time zone, you may have seen it or not. The Xplay episode on at 2:30 (or 5:30 or 11:30 for those of you on the East coast, I don't know what I'm looking at) has one of my disembodied voice intros. I'm the one who made "Once again, two people who sold their souls on ebay, here's Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb"

My heart jumped when I heard it. So cool.
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