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Xplay Fan Club

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Unleash your Phantom
Thanks. My dad goes on ebay all the time, so it just popped into my head. apparently, they liked it.

I love the "On the Xplay boards" song. I have it pretty much memorized.


Adam, Morgan, are you there?
I like my game, do you even care?
Adam, Morgan, you my friend
I will stay with you until the bitter end.

((ratty))2 out of 5... What the!?

"Wubba?" That's not a word. That's not a sentence.
Morgan! Look what they're saying about us on the message boards!

We have message boards?

Adam is from Mars, Morgan is from Venus

I love to write you messages with my tiny *****.

I have this spirit pal you could have him on your show.
Is it love or hate I have for you, I had to let you know.

On the X-Play boards,

You better like my game!

On the X-Play boards,

It's my closest thing to fame.

On the X-Play boards,

I don't want to hear it.

On the X-Play boards,
Don't even take me near it.

On my favorite character, you couldn't understand

(Johnny Extreme):
Solid Snake's a road map on my way to be a man.

RPGs and hockey games, volleyball and cricket.

If Webb and Sess don't get it, then they can...


On the X-Play boards,

Why won't you freakin' listen?

To the X-Play boards,
To my bad list, diss it.

On the X-Play boards,

You don't have any feelings.

On the X-Play boards,
For my brilliant whining & squealing.

>> X-Play?? More like X-Doodie.

>> Ugh!! The show is like so stupid.

>> Why do rate games with only 5's. 10's would be way better,
because it's like twice as bigger.

>> You better stop hatin' on Full Metal Alchemist.

>> Man, you guys don't even know games. I should totally be
the host. Morons. PS. Morgan Webb is pretty.

On the X-Play boards,
Morgan's not a gamer.

On the X-Play boards,

Adam is a lamer

On the X-Play boards,

I don't want to hear it.

On the X-Play boards,

Don't even take me near it.

I love you, I hate you.
I love you, I hate you.
I love you, I hate you.
I love you, I hate you.
I love you, I hate you.
I love you, I hate you.
I love you, I hate you.
I love you, I hate you.

On the X-Play Boards,
Cause you better like my games.

On the X-Play Boards,
My closest thing to fame.

On the X-Play Boards,
I don't want to hear it.

On the X-Play Boards,
Don't even take me near it.

>> Adam's breath smells like crusty toe-jam.

>> Do you guys play Halo 2 on XBox Live? Hey man,
what's your gametag?

>> The only thing thinner than Adam's hair is his wit.

It's not that bad.

>> Does Morgan really play games?

Yes, I'm a gamer already!

>> InuYasha is so deep and intricate, you don't even know.

>> You guys hella rock, for real's. You're the best show on TV.

What do you mean "It's the best show on television?"
Oh, thank you.

I love Adam and Morgan.


Unleash your Phantom
Why not? Sure.


What is your favorite game segment of Xplay?

I like the second preview they did of shadow the hedgehog, the one with the two little hedgehogs on the table that raced. So cute.

Latias Fanatic

hey uhm im already co-owner
she/he could be co-owner 2
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Unleash your Phantom
I'm a she, and I'm fine either way.

Latias Fanatic

a few weeks ago i lost cable and i was"nooooooooooooooooo i wana watch x-play y does this happen to me!!!!!!!!!!!!"then yesterday i got cable back
i was"yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

Latias Fanatic

hi new person
im on starbucks coffe and egg nog so dont mess around with me OK!!!!!!!!!


ahh the lazy summer
can I join
my favorite person on xplay has to Adam Sessler since he is the funnyeist person there also I love the splinter cell co-op theater
also does that mean I can use the x-play banner on my sig?
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ahh the lazy summer
Did you watch the episode where adam reviews the game " disney princess:jewlery box colection" I was by far the funnesit review i've seen,
what really surprised me was when adam put his face on the game
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