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Yahoo/Comp help


Don Ledianni

Would anyone happen to know what causes a file dump? Sometimes when I use Yahoo Messenger and do voice chat, I get a blue screen telling me a file dump's in progress. I reset and things are fine. I dunno what the problem is.

File Dump?

I think that's just creating a file that is transfered from somewhere else, that contains un-organised data : P

Never happened to me in Yahoo Messenger with voice chat before (The blue screen that is). It sounds to me that it could be your Messenger's dumping data that it misses out during output of Audio, un-used temp data, or it also can be record data like the message archives? that's my theory : P

Other than that I can't think of what else causing the File dump in Yahoo unless it's something else.

I'll see if I can find anything though : )

♪Crystal Mew♪

Mr. ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
I think a file dump is what the computer does when it runs out of memory

It "dumps" the files from memory because theres no more room...

Video chat in Yahoo takes up a bunch of processor cycles/memory and may cause a blue screen