here's my very first project, Sirknight Experience. Since I'm still rather new to the Japanese language, I required Delta Suicune to help me out with a lot of things, especially the slang. I managed to do quite a bit of this translation on my own, but he deserves his fair share of credit. Thanks a lot. Anyway, remember what I said, character's text will appear based on the word bubbles seen on each page. Hopefully, I'll know more Japanese and not need as much help in the future.
The comic's pages can be viewed here
(note: This is just a page explaining the direction with which you read the panels. I’m guessing it’s not the traditional right-to-left format because this was intended to be read on the computer, but other comics on Pokesho are read in right-to-left format, leaving me rather confused. Anyway, just click on the right arrow button next to this and continue on.)
Sana: “What? …this…”
Metang: “Well, you see…! I know this great guy, and when I mentioned brought you up, he said he’d certainly like to meet you!”
Metang: “Well this guy here, he’s flexible to anything and is an overall good guy!”
Metang: “He was in the same kickboxing class as me in high school, after all!”
Sana: “Chief… kickboxing?”
Metang: “Well, I found that class to be good!”
Metang: “Just let this meeting go well!”
Metang: “Please!”
Sana: “Sure…”
Title: “Sirknight Experience”
Mariruri: “Hey hey, did you hear!? About Auntie Sana’s guy? This time, Chief Metang’s sending her away to do a marriage interview!!”
Raichu: “Furthermore, it appears he was a classmate of the chief!”
Kireihana: “Doesn’t Metang turn 40 this year!?”
Pukurin: “Gyahaha!! She seriously accepted that!!! That old hag is so well-suited for him!!”
Hin: “So, what do you intend to do?”
Sana: “Aw geez, I can’t just refuse.”
Hin: “But that guy, he didn’t have a very great, high-status appearance.”
Hin: “Besides, if he’s a Fighting-type, he might be dominant.”
Hin: “But the point is you shouldn’t be too picky considering your age.”
Sana: “But something awful is gonna be awful.”
Sana: “This is the man I already chose to give my heart to.”
Sana: “Wooow, isn’t Latios-kun absolutely cuuuute?”
Hin: “You’re secretly taking pictures of new employees again…?”
Hin: “It’s a shame you don’t use that free time to take Polocks like me, since you could stand to refine yourself.”
Sana: “Now that you mention it, what will taking cheap Polocks do for you?”
Sana: “If you keep using the cheap kind, the effects will only end up going away!”
Hin: “Gack!!”
Sana: “Hi… Hin-chan!?”
Hin: “Glubglubglubglub!”
Sana: “Ehhhh!?”
Hin: “Moon Hinbass Power…”
Hin: “Make-uuup!!”
Sana: “Wha!?”
Hin: “Ha! Thi… this is me!? No way, I can’t seriously believe it!”
Hin: “I wonder if taking Polocks everyday helped cause this!”
Sana: “Kyaaa! What are you doing?!”
Sana: “Hin-chan!!”
Hin: “Hinbass is happy!!”
Sana: “Hin-chaaaan!”
Sana: “Polocks are amazing, aren’t they…?”
Sana: “I wonder if I should take some as well…”
Sana: “…that guy behind’s been following me for a while now.”
Sana: “I don’t know who he is, but stalking me was a mistake.”
Sana: “Take this, certain kill Thunder Puuun…”
Bakujirou: “Huh!?”
Sana: “Oh no! You’re Bakujirou, aren’t you?!”
Bakujirou: “Ow ow…I… I’m paralyzed. You acted cruel all the sudden, Ma’am.”
Sana: “My bad, I’ll carry you to the Pokemon Center now, so…”
Sana: “Ugh!”
Bakujirou: “Is your hip…”
Bakujirou: “…alright…?”
Bakujirou: “It’s unusual for people to just slug someone like that…”
Sana: “Shut up…”
Sana: “Anyway, I’m confused by the way you were sneaking up on me just now.”
Bakujirou: “Th… there wasn’t any particular reason for that…”
Bakujirou: “Lately, I’ve been patrolling your area for several missing people.”
Sana: “Heh, that so?”
Bakujirou: “Your reaction’s very similar to this other guy I know, Auntie.”
Sana: “Should I send you to the Center now?”
Bakujirou: “Sorry, I said too much.”
Sana: “You know, doesn’t this feel like when I used to protect you at that place you were always exploring?”
Bakujirou: “P… please don’t talk about the time with those brats.”
Bakujirou: “Today, I’m Bakujirou of the Flame Wheel, fearless member of the police force. I’ll show Auntie that I can protect her.”
Sana: “What is it, what is it! Everyone’s calling me Auntie Sanaaa!”
Bakujirou: “P… please don’t cry…”
Sana: “Who would want to hook up with me anyway?!!”
Bakujirou: “Don’t say that…”
Sana: “Waaah, shut up you idiot.”
Sana: “Geez…”
Sana: “These guys…”
Buu: “Thank you very much.”
Buu: “Buu-chan will be closing her doors soon.”
Sana: “A Polock store…?”
Buu: “That’s right.”
Sana: “If I take Polocks as well, will I become as pretty as Hin-chan…?”
Noctus: “Ah, that’s impossible!”
Noctus: “Only the Hinbass species could take Polocks in such a beautiful, revolutionary manner.”
(note: Like Harley in the anime, this Noctus speaks in a feminine manner.)
Noctus: “Even if other Pokemon take Polocks, they won’t have such a significant effect on them.”
Noctus: “Your money’s truuuley useless here.”
Sana: “Huhh, that…!? Am… am I speaking out loud!?”
Noctus: “No, you’re not! However, I can see what you’re thinking about standing in front of this store!”
Noctus: “You’re super lucky, aren’t you?! Let me introduce you to my method, which is more effective than Polocks.”
Noctus: “I am Noctus-chan! Come to me in case you’re interested.”
Sana: “Alright?”
Noctus: “Ha hi hu he ho!”
Sana: “U…um…”
Noctus: “So you do want to know? From the time we’re born, we Pokemon gather experience points inside our bodies.”
Sana: “Uh… experience points…?”
Noctus: “Experience points are the bits of experience that we build up...”
Noctus: “And these experience points we accumulate are what cause us to grow.”
Noctus: “…but, supposing…”
Noctus: “We were to suck out these accumulated experience points?”
Sana: “Er…??”
Noctus: “Draining it out would cause you to return to your former self!”
Sana: “A… are you serious!?”
Noctus: “Is that alright!? I’ll start draining your excess experience points at a special cheap service charge!”
Sana: “Drain out… you can do that?”
Noctus: “Of course I can! Come on, can I do it, can’t I do it?!”
Sana: “C… certainly, please do…”
Noctus: “Alright, you’re a good kid, aren’t you?”
Noctus: “Well then, to begin, clear your mind and please drink this!”
Sana: “Uh, right, right.”
Sana: “Ugh… this is…?”
Noctus: “It’s sleeping mediciiiiine.”
Sana: “Ughhh…”
Noctus: “Ha hi hu he hooooo!”
Noctus: “Wake up!”
Sana: “huh…”
Sana: “Wha…?!”
Noctus: “Ha hi hii! Your excess experience points, I of course drained them out of you.”
Sana: “Wooow! This is me!?”
Sana: “Incredible! I can’t believe it!”
Noctus: “With that, please pay the price of 100,000 yen.”
Sana: “Wha…?!! Th… That’s expensive!”
Noctus: “As I said, that’s the price!”
Hin: “Sana! Good morning!”
Sana: “Good morning.”
Hin: “Hey, did you hear? About Suikun-sama? He invited me to go surfing with him on his vacation starting tomorrow.”
Sana: “That’s just what you wanted, isn’t it?”
Hin: “……huh!?”
Hin: “Wh… what’s wrong Sana?! You suddenly became pretty!”
Sana: “You felt that way as well?”
Sana: “That’s not all…”
Sana: “Somehow, my body seems to have become incredible. I feel perfect!”
Hin: “Ah hah! I get it! Sana, you’ve been taking Polocks, haven’t you?! And the best kind the Polock store offers at that! You must’ve token a hundred thousand of them!”
Sana: “No no, that’s not it.”
Sana: “Nope… I don’t think it was Polocks…”
Sana: “Huhu…!”
Metang: “Huuuh!? Sana-chan, what’s the deal!?”
Metang: “You looked like a new employee for a moment!”
Deoxys: “Please go out with me!!”
Sana: “I decline, you dummy.”
Sana: “Let’s go…! I’m gonna do this!”
Raichu+Kireihana+Pukurin+Mariruri: * whisper whisper whisper *
Sana: “I’m going to talk to Latios-kun during the lunch break.”
Nasshii: “Haven’t a lot of girls been turning cute lately?”
Parasect: “Ah… yeah, they’re definitely taking Polocks.”
Nasshii: “Seems like Polocks are becoming popular, aren’t they?”
Parasect: “If… if I also take Polocks, could I become cooler as well…?”
Latios: “Don’t bother, it’s ridiculous…”
Latios: “Frankly, Pokemon are spending their money to take some medicine and become the best. What’s so fun about that…?”
Nasshii & Parasect: “Wow… at heart, you seem like a cool guy with the way you can stand and talk like that…!”
Sana: “Latios-kun…”
Sana: “Spends his lunch on the rooftop.”
Sana: “!…geez…”
Sana: “He’s with his friends.”
Latios: “This is good.”
Latios: “Send.”
Nasshii: “Are you mailing to some kid again?”
Parasect: “If that’s so… we should all go to a meeting convention.”
Latios: “Pff, no way…”
Latios: “I’m not interested in final evolutions.”
Nasshii: “Wah, you went out and said you have a first evolution complex!”
Latios: “Shut up!”
Sana: “La… Latios-kun…”
Sana: “Likes first evolutions…?!”
Noctus: “Hmm…”
Noctus: “You’re here again?”
Sana: “Um… if you drain a lot of experience points from me, can you return me to a previous evolution?”
Noctus: “Hu hyo! If you’re a Pokemon that evolves with experience, I can!”
Sana: “Then, please drain enough experience points to return me to a Kirlia.”
Noctus: “Good, good! I’ll drain your experience with pleasure.”
Noctus: “Well then, to begin, please drink this medicine!”
Sana: “Ah… right, right.”
Sana: “Ugh…”
Noctus: “Ha hi hu he ho!”
Noctus: “Come on, wake up!”
Sana: “Hmm…?”
Sana: “Wooow… it’s myself as a Kirlia!”
Sana: “Oh my!”
Noctus: “Well then, please pay the price of 200,000 yen.”
Sana: “Ah… right, right.”
Bakujirou: “Phew…”
Bakujirou: “We Fire-types also have to answer to morning patrols.”
Bakujirou: “Eh?!”
Bakujirou: “That hot Kirlia…”
Bakujirou: “…no, this doesn’t mean anything.”
Latios: “No way, it’s impossible for Sana-san to be this kind of girl! Such a pretty Kirlia!”
Latios: “The truth is, I wasn’t aware of you until now!”
Sana: “It’s alright, Latios-kun. It was just a misunderstanding.”
Latios: “Sana-san! How about these clothes?! I feel they suit you…”
Sana: “My, they’re wonderful! It’s perfect for me!”
Sana: “Today was truly fun! Thank you, Latios-kun.”
Latios: “No, I should be saying that… anyway, can you please call me ‘big brother’?”
Sana: “B… i… g… Buwuther!”
Latios: “Alright! Good job!”
Bayleef: “Just a second, big brother!”
Bayleef: “You neglected to keep your promise. Where were you and what were doing that caused you to forget…?”
Bayleef: “Who are you?! This girl is…!!”
Dogohm: “Hold it, big brother!”
Wakashamo: “I’m just your non-blood-related little sister, aren’t I!?”
Latios: “Hee…!!”
Vibrava: “Elder brother!”
Latios: “Wa…!!”
Pigeon: “I want an explanation for this!”
Latias: “Big Brother! You’ve been going out with first evolution girls again!”
Latias: “Your real little sister is ashamed of you!!”
Latios: “La… Latias! That’s not it…!”
Latias: “Aw geez, you’re the worst!! Take this!!!”
Latios: “AGGGHHHHH!!”
Sana: “La… Latios-kuuun!”
Latios: “ergh…”
Sana: “Latios-kun…!”
Latios: “Won’t you call me ‘Big Brother’?”
Sana: “Your soul is talking!?”
Sana: “Whatever, I’ll carry you to the Center…”
Sana: “ugh…!?”
Sana: “M… my hip is…”
Sana: “Why…?”
Lucky: “Paralysis, burn, freeze, other conditions… a complete recovery will take two weeks, Lucky.”
Lucky: “He’s so troublingly pitiful, he’ll have to stay here for a while, Lucky.”
Sana: “Alright…”
Lucky: “That aside, you appear young, but your hip seems to be continually aging. However, that doesn’t seem too serious, Lucky.”
Sana: “Dammit…”
Sana: “What happened to me…?”
Sana: “Eh…? Somehow, my body doesn’t seem like it’s very severe…”
Sana: “ugh…”
Bakujirou: “That girl…”
Sana: “Wait, what’s the meaning of this? I wasn’t turning young again…?”
Noctus: “Ha hi hi hi hi hi! In the case of that body, it seems as though the effects of ability-ups have ceased.”
Sana: “The effects!?”
Noctus: “Once experience points have been drained out, there’s no reason for the physical body to return to the way it was.”
Noctus: “Only your level and abilities went down. Your age hasn’t changed.”
Sana: “That can’t be…”
Noctus: “You drank the sleeping medicine!”
Noctus: “That time, the figure of 100,000 yen was for top-quality Polocks, stopping the progression of your abilities, etc. to be used while that medicine was taking effect…”
Noctus: “The resulting condition was that your body would merely feel rejuvenated, and you'd make the wrong assumption that your desires were being fulfilled!"
Sana: “Th… that’s awful! You tricked me!!”
Sana: “You cheat, you’re horrible!!”
Sana: “You *******!”
Noctus: “Such a low-level attack!”
Noctus: “Bullseye!”
Sana: “Ack!!”
Noctus: “Hi hi hi… this time, I showed you a sweet dream…”
Noctus: “Now, for the sake of my own dream, I’ll have the experience points sucked out of you.”
Noctus: “Gokurin!”
Noctus: “Ha hi hu he ho!”
Noctus: “Ha hi hi hi hi hi! If I have all this Mysterious Candy…”
Noctus: “I won’t have to worry about money for the rest of my life!!”
Bakujirou: “So I see. Now I understand everything.”
Noctus: “Ha hi hun!?”
Noctus: “Wh… who the hell are you!?”
Bakujirou: “I’m the policeman patrolling this street.”
Noctus: “Hiii…!!”
(note: The reading on the jars say “Noctus Mysterious Candy”. In the Japanese version of the Pocket Monsters video games, “Mysterious Candy” was the term used for “Rare Candy”.)
Bakujirou: “Hey, you! Are you gonna return her to how she was!?”
Bakujirou: “Say you’ll return her! I’ll burn you to death!!”
Noctus: “Hi hiiii…!!!”
Noctus: “Th… the candy!”
Noctus: “The Mysterious Candy contains most of her experience points!”
Noctus: “Uh… her experience points are inside this candy I made.”
Noctus: “Hi hi… ha hi hi…”
Noctus: “Whoaaah! My hand slipped!!!”
Noctus: “Ha hi hu he…”
Noctus: “HO!!!”
Bakujirou: “…guh!!”
Noctus: “Ha hi hi hi…”
Noctus: “This seems like a good opportunity… to get out of here before the other cops come.”
Noctus: “Ha hyi…?”
Noctus: “Sheesh… You’re persistent, aren’t you?!!”
Noctus: “Gwaaaaaaahhhhhh!!”
Bakujirou: “Flame…”
Bakujirou: “Wheel!!!”
Noctus: “……buh…”
Noctus: “Bye bye money……”
Bakujirou: “Huff…”
Bakujirou: “Huff…”
Bakujirou: “Sheesh! Usually, I’m the one being caught up in these situations!”
Sana: “I… I feel so ashamed.”
Bakujirou: “……man.”
Bakujirou: “Here.”
Bakujirou: “If you take this, you could return to being a Sirknight.”
Bakujirou: “Or you could just become a Kirlia if you want.”
Sana: “Um…”
Sana: “Saying that, don’t you understand why I wanted to be a Kirlia?”
Bakujirou: “Eh… wh… why do you ask…?”
Bakujirou: “I… still intend to associate with you even as a Kirlia… when I saw you as a Kirlia, I’d understand soon…”
Bakujirou: “And, supposing you’re in any trouble, I’d keep an eye out for you.”
Bakujirou: “Besides…”
Bakujirou: “I want to protect you…”
Bakujirou: “Uh, but this is against my will! F… for a long time…!”
Bakujirou: “It’s simply my duty as the police!”
Sana: “…that’s right”
Sana: “Bakujirou will always be here, won’t he?”
Latios: “Wooooah! My first evolution radar’s going off! Ahhh! Sana-san, you came to me while I was ill, weren’t you?!”
Latios: “Huhhhh!? That’s strange! I don’t see Sana-san!”
Lucky: “Wait, Latios-san! For your own sake, you musn’t leave the sick room!”
Bakujirou: “Is this… alright with you?”
Sana: “It’s fine, let him be.”
Sana: “Alright, let’s return!”
Sana: “Bakujirou! Can you escort me home?!”
Bakujirou: “Wh… what’s this all the sudden…?”
Sana: “Ah, this is comfortable.”
Sana: “Can we do this everyday from now on?”
Bakujirou: “Umm… it hurts to have that red thing sticking into my back …”
red text: “End”