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Yanma movesets


dark scyther

Building moveset for Yanma:


Yanma @ Mint Berry/Leftovers/Miracle Berry
- Reversal
- Screech
- Wing Attack
- Sweet Kiss
- Giga Drain
- Curse
- Hidden Power(type)
- Endure
- Sleep Talk
- Rest

Open to Suggestions


breathe, spit, walk
dark scyther base stats are useless in GSC, you can just post max stats ^_^

doesn't yanma get Hypnosis? 'cause if it did that would be sweet...

I'd run a baton passer, then pass Yanma speed/attack, then go endure/reversal/HP Bug/Screech (if it ever finds the time for that, but yanma can't really rest anyways so meh)....

dark scyther

Altmer_bulbasaur said:
dark scyther base stats are useless in GSC, you can just post max stats ^_^

doesn't yanma get Hypnosis? 'cause if it did that would be sweet...

I'd run a baton passer, then pass Yanma speed/attack, then go endure/reversal/HP Bug/Screech (if it ever finds the time for that, but yanma can't really rest anyways so meh)....

Yanma doesnt learn hypsosis or baton pass


breathe, spit, walk
I know it doesn't get baton pass....... but I meant use it in conjunction with a baton passer like scizor (or farfetch'd since Yanma is more in that league) to get him the speed + att boosts so he can do something.

It doesn't get hypnosis? How sad.....

dark scyther

Altmer_bulbasaur said:
use it in conjunction with a baton passer

Waste of time

Altmer_bulbasaur said:
It doesn't get hypnosis? How sad.....

Hypnosis or any other status affecting move only toxic and sweet kiss


breathe, spit, walk
I don't get that last bit, and Yanma definitely could use the attack boost.


I have a level 66 Yanma on my FireRed and it did, indeed, learn Hypnosis. I don't remember if it was by TM or growth, but it did. Yanma can learn Hypnosis. My Yanma:

Wing Attack
Double Team

Meh, it's not the best moveset (it's not even a good one), but it's there.

Edit: I'm sorry, I didn't notice I was in Gold/Silver. I apologize for that. I'm so noobish today...
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breathe, spit, walk

(not aimed at you dark scyther.)

But I think Yanma could use a speed/attack boost for a non-stabbed 200 base power move off 228 attack.


**_ IS FEMALE _**
just go for

Yanma @focus band/miracleberry
HP bug/filler

its all in the first two moves. just put it against tyranitar, endure the SE ancientpower/rock slide and reversal for a KO. as long as T-Tar doesn't get the ancientpower boost. agility if you're up against something that wont KO you right away (like uhh... maybe a blissey?) and you want to be faster than anything else that you encounter. HP bug for STAB and to use against psychics. though the only thing i'd ever think yanma was good for would be just that one time it would get sent in against a T-Tar.


breathe, spit, walk
I doubt Yanma Reversal would kill aTyranitar.
Some people have some MAJOR attitude problems and I suggest you knock it off... NOW.

You think calling yourself a GSC militia means youre so much better than other members? No. Stop it.

dark scyther said:
SPAM,moveset sucks

YOU spammed. Congrats.

-moving to RMT where this belongs


breathe, spit, walk
You think calling yourself a GSC militia means youre so much better than other members? No. Stop it.

I never thought that in the first place. It just means that we're trying to help out random n00bs and give them advice on how to play the game. If Dark scyther asks for yanma movesets, I will most definitely advise him on that. I sense a misunderstanding of the phrase 'GSC Militia here.'

Also I'm starting to get fed up with random idiots posting in the GSC forum about adv.gen movesets or otherwise illegal movesets. I've held my temper for pretty long, so stop talking about attitude problems. It's just that would-be team raters should get their facts straight before talking about stuff. Don't give advice unless you absolutely know 100% sure what you're talking about.

Also flygonzilla, 4x effectiveness and base 200 does not guarantee a ohko, especially with tyranitar's defense and HP, yanma's poor attack and no stab.


A Yanma should use the Endure-Reversal combo, but that move is much to be desired of a Yanma, since it doesn't have much strength, nor does it have the STAB for it. Give it HP [Bug] since Signal Beam never existed, Return, Shadow Ball, and Quick Attack since Aerial Ace never existed. Yanma's not too good for the Endure-combo.

+Selestius - Dawn of the Moonlight+


breathe, spit, walk
Yanma won't do damage regardless of the moves it has. Giving it a semi-choicebander set won't get it very far either, and hp bug is not available (well it is but it's extremely hard and time-consuming to get). Basically, I would baton pass speed and attack, and then start endreving. What is yanma supposed to attack with return/shadow ball? Only useful thing it is immune to is eq and it gets raped something horrible by about every special attacker in the game. If you have speed and attack boost and you endrev against a special attacker you might be able to damage it.


**_ IS FEMALE _**
Also flygonzilla, 4x effectiveness and base 200 does not guarantee a ohko, especially with tyranitar's defense and HP, yanma's poor attack and no stab.
fine then, i'll take it through GSC's damage formula.
tyranitar's HP is 403.

(((((((((((2 * L) / 5 + 2) * A * BD) / OD) / 50) + 2) * STAB) * TypeEffectiveness) * DamageMod) / 255) +1)

damagemod's lowest = 237, highest = 255

Max damage:

(((((((((((2 * 100) / 5 + 2) * 228 * 200) / 298) / 50) + 2) * 1) * 4) * 255) / 255) +1

((((((((((42) * 228 * 200) / 298) / 50) + 2) * 1) * 4) * 255) / 255) +1

((((((((((1915200) / 298) / 50) + 2) * 1) * 4) * 255) / 255) +1

(((((((((6426.8 / 50) + 2) * 1) * 4) * 255) / 255) +1

((((((((128.5 + 2) * 1) * 4) * 255) / 255) +1

((((((((130.5 * 1) * 4) * 255) / 255) +1

((((((522.1 * 255) / 255) +1

= 523

lowest damage dealt:

(((((((((((2 * 100) / 5 + 2) * 228 * 200) / 298) / 50) + 2) * 1) * 4) * 237) / 255) +1

((((((((((42) * 228 * 200) / 298) / 50) + 2) * 1) * 4) * 237) / 255) +1

((((((((((1915200) / 298) / 50) + 2) * 1) * 4) * 237) / 255) +1

(((((((((6426.8 / 50) + 2) * 1) * 4) * 237) / 255) +1

((((((((128.5 + 2) * 1) * 4) * 237) / 255) +1

((((((((130.5 * 1) * 4) * 237) / 255) +1

((((((522.1 * 237) / 255) +1

= 485.2 +1

= 486

See? i proved that yanma DOES OHKO tyranitar!! *gloat gloat gloat*!!!


breathe, spit, walk
Ok, then it OHKO's Tyranitar. Fine. But apart from that, it won't OHKO much else. Not to mention tar isn't all that common as you might think in GSC. It's good.

Only OHKO'ing tar is not going to save yanma.