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Yay! I am getting a Nintendo DS Lite today!!!


Well-Known Member
I am so excited!!!
I am getting a Nintendo DS Lite today!!!! Now, I'll have one for D/P!!!
I am getting the Lite, the starters kit and a game (Spyro) all for $150 at Toys R Us. Yay!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the DS Lite comes with the manual, the adapter, and all the requirements. I am also getting the starters kit which has the case, extra styluses, etc.


Old Coot
I plan to get one, and I saw that the AC adapter as sold by itslef. I'm a bit confused. Does the Lite come with an AC Adapter or not?
The DS' wall adapter was also sold by itself simply for people who may lose it.

Should be noted that the DS Lite adapter is not the same as the DS one.


Kanto Starter Fan
Well congrats to you. ^_^ You'll find the brightness of the screen compared to your regular DS (If you have an old DS ^_^;;) quite amazing. xD


Well-Known Member
Yay, I got a DS Lite way before you.

Honestly, this thread is really pointless.


I'm baaaaaack
Umm, congradulations?

I have yet to get one, but, uh, have fun.


Super Gamer
mewfan1 said:
I am getting the Lite, the starters kit and a game (Spyro) all for $150 at Toys R Us. Yay!!!!!!

That doesn't sound right - the DS Lite is $130, the game is $30, and the Starter kits are usually like $20.

Edit: Nevermind, I went to Toys R Us.com and they have it there.

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i remember how excited i was when i got my ds lite, but it had a dead pixel and when i tried to return it, they said it had to have atleast 15 dead pixels to get a new one. hope yours doesnt have any


Super Gamer
Actually where did you get your DS Lite from miltonic? Your supposed to be able to take it back even if it has 1 Dead Pixel ;X



Well-Known Member
Congrats on getting the DS! You should of gotten a Wii instead which I think is going to be better. DS is really fun. My DS also had a dead pixel on the top screen, it didn't bother me much though.