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Yay pixel art!

-aocom v2-

Victory is ours!
I'm back after a... 6 month haitus? lol
Anyways, I made this recently. It's the statue 'Winged Victory' in the Louvre.


There's more shading than there appears to be, you have to zoom in and look really hard to see it. All it does is make the other tones not look so sudden.
C & C~!
hopefully I'll do more in the future. I'm beginning to get addicted to spriting again. 0_o


Wow... Splendid outline, magnificent shading...

To be honest you really did the artist of this statue justice, even in sprite form. Congradulations on your work.

I can't see much of any needs of improvement, but the right wing does seem just a bit off to me.

-aocom v2-

Victory is ours!
Autumn said:
I remember you!
You were such a great spriter.
I like this =D
Though her boobies seem.. odd.

People remember me! ^^

Yeah, they look odd because of the shading.
The shading was easy, because all you had to do was draw lines everywhere, and it looked fine. xp


Nice work! You did THAT from scratch?! Amazing... Only one small problem: One side of the dress ripples too far in and out. Awesome job, though!


That. Is. Amazing. Seriously, great shading and outline. There's not much I can criticize about. XP