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Well-Known Member
i was watching tv and it said loz ocarina of time is the best game ever i agree who thinks it is to


Well-Known Member
you dont like because you dont have it or the remake master quest well ido
ha i told tou oot was better he even agrees with me

And his opinion somehow proves that OoT is better?

MM had better graphics, better storytelling, better characters, better and more unique gameplay mechanics, better gameplay itself, better scenery, ect.

It pretty much improved on almost everything


Fear him!
The thing with MM is the time thing. Yea it was different, but I got ticked if I missed something or didn't have enough time to do something. The fairies also ticked me off.
Oot had a very good story line

Not as good as MM's. It actually took a new approach to storytelling in Zelda, and ended up having one of the best stories in the series.

The thing with MM is the time thing. Yea it was different, but I got ticked if I missed something or didn't have enough time to do something. The fairies also ticked me off.
The 3 day system was a great gameplay mechanic that offered up a lot of events that could never happen in any other Zelda game.


Well-Known Member
but oot had time travel too as in adult to kid and vise-versa


Twilight of Aquarius
Sorry, but I immediately discedit praises of games because they're revolutionary or nostalgic. I consider them as forms of bias and I feel that people don't look at the games for what they really are. Look at Super Mario 64. People praised it because it was revolutionary, but when I played it, I didn't really like it at all, and I preferred Sunshine over it. Even Ocarina of Time is my 3rd favorite Zelda, because I felt that Oracle of Ages and Wind Waker were better than in a few ways.


Old Coot
Both games win. Quit your *****ing and get on with your lives.
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