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Yeah that car...

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Loser w/o shoes
Okay so I saw this post and a guy mentioned getting a mew because of that truck in Vermillion. Is this really true...if so how does it work. I have heard mutiple things about it like using every HM on it or using strenght and what not...but how do you really get Mew from it???
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Well-Known Member
Found this on web. Is it true?

There's another way to catch Mew. When you beat Misty, go to Bill's house and get the boat ticket and when you go to Vermillion City don't beat the Gym Leader and in the boat don't get Cut. Instead, trade a pokemon that knows Cut to your version then continue your journey until you get Surf then fly back to Vermillion City, go to the deck and Surf around the boat until you encounter a Cave. Inside is Mew at Level 30.

I think that's it, if it's true.
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It's a false trick.

The truck does nothing. Absolutely nothing. It has nothing to do with Mew, Strength, or the keys in the Game Corner. At all.


Loser w/o shoes
Found this on web. Is it true?

There's another way to catch Mew. When you beat Misty, go to Bill's house and get the boat ticket and when you go to Vermillion City don't beat the Gym Leader and in the boat don't get Cut. Instead, trade a pokemon that knows Cut to your version then continue your journey until you get Surf then fly back to Vermillion City, go to the deck and Surf around the boat until you encounter a Cave. Inside is Mew at Level 30.

I think that's it, if it's true.

yeah thats what I was talking about...someone on this site said that's how you get Mew
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