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Yellow Team


Have a nice day!
1. Zapdos
Drill Peck
Thunder Wave
Light Screen

2. Mewtwo
Ice Beam

3. Rhydon
Rock Slide
Body Slam
Swords Dance

4. Chansey
Thunder Wave
Seismic Toss

5. Exeggutor
Sleep Powder
Leech Seed

6. Lapras
Confuse Ray
Body Slam

Okay, basic battle team. I start with Zapdos, and paralyze the opponent's Pokemon and set up Light Screen to stop Special Attacker's. Thunderbolt and Drill Peck take care of a wide spread of Pokemon before Zapdos gets taken out. I then use Mewtwo or Rhydon, depending on their next Pokemon. Standard Mewtwo set: power up with Amnesia, blast away with Ice Beam/Psychic, and use Recover to last for ages. Rhydon is a powerhouse: use Swords Dance, then Earthquake/Rock Slide/Body Slam them into oblivion. As much as I hate R/B/Y Chansey, it is useful, so this set helps a lot. I Minimize 6 times, then use Thunder Wave. After this my opponent's Pokemon will almost never even touch Chansey, so I Seismic Toss them to defeat. If Chansey ever takes too much damage, Softboiled saves the day. Exeggutor is simple: DELAYER! It sends them to sleep, Leech Seeds them, hits them with Psychic, and if things look bad, it uses Explosion with a suprising amount of power. Lapras is the tank. Confuse Ray confuses, obviously, and Body Slam can occasionally Paralyze as well as being quite powerful. In Blizzard I swapped accuracy for power, with good results. Substitute saves it from all those nasty status effects.

If Legendaries aren't allowed, I swap Zapdos for Jolteon, and Mewtwo for Alakazam.

1(b). Jolteon
Pin Missile
Light Screen
Thunder Wave

2(b). Alakazam
Ice Punch
Fire Punch

Jolteon does the same as Zapdos: Paralyzes and Light Screens. Thunderbolt for power, and Pin Missile because it is useful against Psychics. Alakazam does the same as Mewtwo with on exception: it can't use Amnesia to up Special. However, Psychic and the Punches (frrom G/S/C tradeback) do decent damage and Recover means it lasts a long time.

What do you think? Any suggestions/ corrections/ alterations?



Blaziken rules!
It's a good team, only I would learn Rydon and Lapras the Surf.

Free Man

Active Member
That's a very good team. I do question using Rhydon (all those weaknesses give it low staying power, and often not enough time to power up with Swords Dance). Physical sweepers are a problem to use effectively, though, and I definately think Rhydon is the best Rock-and-Ground type to use. Snorlax (few type weaknesses) and Sandslash (slightly less weaknesses, and no quadruple ones) are alternatives you could consider using, but there are many worse choices than Rhydon as a physical sweeper.

Nice strategy with Zapdos - my friend uses that same moveset and strategy on me all the time. Getting STAB with physical and special moves is extremely useful. Your Chansey also has an interesting moveset. I use mine as a special sweeper/tank, but using it as a pure tank is a wise move. As for Mewtwo, mine is the same as yours, so kudos!

Jolteon having Pin Missile isn't very useful, I've found. Although it's super effective against Psychics (and will be useful against Exeggutor or other grass types), you might be better off teaching it Agility. This would mean you could paralyze with Thunder Wave, use Agility a few times to boost your speed even more, and get a Critical Hit with Thunder Bolt almost every time. This would help counter type-resistance. Although with this strategy, you would probably have to sacrifice Light Screen so it has another attacking move just in case... so do whatever you think fits your team and strategy more.

Overall I think you have a very good team and a sound strategy. Very good movesets on almost all of your team.


Have a nice day!
Rhydon is a physical Sweeper, I don't really want surf on him, and Lapras is an all-rounder, using Surf would leave him helpless to Physical Sponges.

@Free Man
Jolteon takes Zapdos's role, so I need Light Screen. You've got me thinking about Agility though... I could remove Thunder Wave, because Chansey has it too, and then use Agility, then swap Pin Missile for a different attack. That a good idea?

Free Man

Active Member
If you have to choose between Thunder Wave and Agility, then I think you should stick with Thunder Wave, even if your Chansey already has it. You'll still get more Critical Hits than average if you Paralyze an opponent, due to Jolteon's naturally high speed. Agility for a Jolteon works well in combination with Thunder Wave, but not on it's own, in my opinion.


Have a nice day!
Okay... by the way, about Rhydon. I choose it to have a wide amount of types on my team. Between all the members of my team, I have a type resistance to every attack type, i.e:

They use Normal: I use Rhydon
Fire: I use Rhydon
Water: I use Zapdos
Grass: I use Zapdos
Ice: I use Lapras
Psychic: I use Mewtwo
Poison: I use Rhydon
Fighting: I use Mewtwo
Bug: I use Rhydon
Rock: I use Rhydon
Ground: I use Exeggutor
Flying: I use Rhydon

Ghost and Dragon can't be countered, but apart from them I have a resistance to every type. If I hadn't picked Rhydon, I would have chosen Snorlax, but Snorlax just wouldn't cut it that way, being Normal type. And, after 2 Sords Dances Rhydon has maxed out attack, the 100 base power of Earthquake, and STAB. That can deal huge damage to even Water types, and I once 1HKO'ed my friends Venusaur. Snorlax can't up his attack that way.
Its a really good team, but i suggest you remove Rhydon from your team and replace it with Snorlax. And Chansey has vvvvveeeeeerrrryyyy low defense, if i were you i would either replace Chansey with either A wigglytuff or a clefable...


Have a nice day!
Misty Lover: Look to the post above yours. That explains Rhydon. And remove Chansey?! It is the staple of every team! It is the best Special Tank in the Game! And imagine Bide or Counter on Chansey. It's low defense means it will recieve massive damage, but pay it back double. I personally don't use that strategy, but Chansey's low Defense really doesn't matter.


Furret rocks
Personally, I would have Ice Beam on Lappy, as opposed to Blizzard.


Have a nice day!
@Treecko Pocchama Master
That is SPAM. Go away.

I did consider Ice Beam, but in R/B/Y Blizzard has 90% accuracy, and that extra power boost was worth the -10 accuracy.