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*~Yet another Lucario Fake~*


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Great job on the card, +Flame Claw+!

I love the background, looks so pretty with Lucario in front. The colours on the other parts of the card look nice together, it makes the card look like there's some shine on it.

I especially like the attacks and descriptions of them, the stages of evolution one is quite original. (I don't know if the attacks really exist on pokemon cards, it's been a while since I've collected any.)

Overall, the card was excellent!



Pokemon World Champ
That card is awesome! It's the best card i've ever seen!


Furret rocks
I think it's pretty cool.


Final Fantasy Fan
Love it 100%,but i don't get the PokeBody! 9.99/10

It means that if you evolved Lucario from Rioru instead of just playing him as a basic, then his HP is 100 instead of 70.

However, he really shouldn't have that Poke-Body, since Rioru isn't a baby pokemon, and Lucario isn't Basic. Rioru is actually just a regular Basic whilst Lucario is actually Stage 1.

Bar this fact, I really dig this card. 9/10


Well-Known Member
It means that if you evolved Lucario from Rioru instead of just playing him as a basic, then his HP is 100 instead of 70.

However, he really shouldn't have that Poke-Body, since Rioru isn't a baby pokemon, and Lucario isn't Basic. Rioru is actually just a regular Basic whilst Lucario is actually Stage 1.

lucario is basic... see here


Final Fantasy Fan
lucario is basic... see here


Do I trust Wikipedia, a site notorious for getting things wrong sometimes due to fans, or do I trust the real cards:



Notice how in the top left corner of both of them, they clearly state he is a Stage 1 Pokemon that evolves from Rioru, and that on Rioru's cards:



Neither of them have the Baby Evolution Poke-Power. Even if the rules changed somewhat, there is nothing on the card to indicate it's a baby.

Don't believe everything you read. Lucario was never a basic and Rioru was never a baby. Never ever.

(Thanks to Pokebeach for the images)
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Loving Longnecks
Best card ive seen so far!! 100000000/10