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YGO Adv: Becuase no one on Pojo looks at it...


TCG Trainer
Timeater x3
Hydrogeddon x3
Mother Grizzly x2
Treeborn Frog
Yomi Ship x3
Fenrir x2
Magician of Faith
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Breaker the Magical Warrior

Graceful Charity
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heavy Storm
Book of Moon
Rush Recklessly x3
Nobleman of Crossout
Brain Control x2
Swords of Revealing Light

Ojama Trio x3
Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
Ring of Destruction
Dust Tornado x2
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Better then you
What kind of deck is this suppossed to be? It looks like a water deck. If I'm right I have a few suggestions

+1 Mobius
+3 Legendary Ocean
+2 Tornado Wall
+1 Levia Dragon

My bad if it's not a water deck, but it looks like one to me. Ignore this post if I'm wrong.


TCG Trainer
Well, most people would think that, but it's actuallya Time Control deck. Fenrir and Timeater are the 2 major cards of the deck, and Ojama Trio helps too.

The Requiem

I know I said I'd go stupid with all deckfixes..

But its currently 2:30 AM and I just dont have that kind of huzzah in me for right now, so I'll just make a suggestion or 2

I say play more timeshifting cards, rather than just timeater and Fenrir. Time Wizard and Great Long Nose say they want to see play in a timeshift deck, too. Its farfetched but successful Fenrir + Timeater + Great Long Nose = skipped turn.

Non Spellcasting Area also gets an honorable mention. Have fun till I wake up or something. I will post a deck maybe.


TCG Trainer
Non Spellcasting Area also gets an honorable mention. Have fun till I wake up or something. I will post a deck maybe.
?? I'm wondering what the heck Non-Spellcasting Area does for this deck. I'm going to blame it on the no sleep right now, as Non-Spellcasting Area works for NORMAL monsters, NONE of which I have.

The Requiem

God Im a moron. Wow. WOOOOW.

How in the crap...wow. Im glad I went to bed when I did. Non AGGRESSION area was the card I was thinking of.

Nerf summoning for a turn, hand em some ojamas or something. Work that magic. Not play an ineffective spell card.

*feels like a n00b*


TCG Trainer
God Im a moron. Wow. WOOOOW.

How in the crap...wow. Im glad I went to bed when I did. Non AGGRESSION area was the card I was thinking of.

Nerf summoning for a turn, hand em some ojamas or something. Work that magic. Not play an ineffective spell card.

*feels like a n00b*
lol, that was a good laugh.

I was actually looking at Non-Agression Area when I made the deck. But I thought it would waste vital Trap space.

I'm still getting screwed over due to no Saks or Mirror Force. What should I take out for Saks?