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YGO Adv. Dino Power


The Sexy Kitty Cat
I know its unoriginal (Dinosaur Structure Deck made sure of that. But the structure deck did help me with the one I have been making)

Alright, the theme of this deck to shut down my opponent with high power as quickly as possible (Ironic since most of the monsters have below 1800 attack). Any and all advice is useful, but I would like to get it out in the open that I cant get singles or a bunch of packs. I am a minor and dont have job, so I cant get cards that easily.

Monsters: 19
Ultimate Tyranno
Super Conductor Tyranno
Black Tyranno
Dark Driceratops
Black Stego (x3)
Hyper Hammerhead (x3)
Hydrogeddon (x2)
Sabersaurus (x3)
Miracle Jurassic Egg (x3)
Tyranno Infinity

Spells: 11
Axe of Despair (x3)
Heavy Storm
Jurassic World
Lightning Vortex
Magical Mallet (x2)
Mystical Space Typhoon
Tail Swipe

Traps: 10
Call of the Haunted
Fossil Excavation
Hunting Instinct
Magical Arm Shield (subject to change)
Negate Attack
Sakuretsu Armor (x2)
Seismic Shockwave (subject to change)
Survival Instinct
Volcanic Eruption

If you wish to help me, please say the cards name instead of abbreviations. I suck at telling what cards you mean and can easily get them mixed up.


TCG Trainer
Hydrogeddon only works in 3's.

There's alot to fix, but I can't really think of how to fit it in a post. Maybe look at my deck for a guideline?

And maybe you could give it a few fixes? Thanks in advance!!