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YGO Adv.: SD09 Modified!


TCG Trainer
Super Conductor Tyranno
Ultimate Tyranno
Ultiamte Tyranno
Dark Driceratops
Dark Driceratops
Black Stego
Giant Rat
Giant Rat
Hyper Hammerhead
Hyper Hammerhead
Treeborn Frog
Breaker the Magical Warrior

Graceful Charity
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Book of Moon
Card Destruction
Mausoleum of the Emperor
Mausoleum of the Emperor
Pot of Avarice
Big Evolution Pill
Tail Swing
Giant Trunade
Giant Trunade

Call of the Haunted
Torrentail Tribute
Ring of Destruction
Dust Tornado
Sakaretsu Armor
Sakaretsu Armor
Seismic Shockwave
Fossil Excavation​
Last edited:


Better then you
Maybe you should put another Big Evolution Pill in there. I would also take out Black Ptera for something more worthwhile. Maybe another Sabersaurus.
Get rid of at least 1 monsters that require tributes, and throw in Big Evolution Pill
Its a nice modification of the Deck (which was a good deck but all Structure decks need to be more 'personalised' if you're going to play them a lot XD I've already got a plan for what i'm going to do with Structure Deck 10 but yeah onto your deck).

I would agree with Mikau that Black Ptera but for another Sabersaurus? Naw. But its good to see people use Vanilla's XD. *has been spending too much time on Janime forums where people call it that*... Though Black Ptera's returning effect is useful with cards that need you to discard cards...

Get rid of at least 1 monsters that require tributes
And I see what you're doing with Mausoleum and trying to get a decent control of the field quickly and thats why you shouldn't remove any tribute monsters.

Even though this isn't much help maybe a continuous healing card to get your LP up when you run out of LP near the end of the duel if you run out of monsters to Mausoleum and your opponent has field controll. Not likely though but thats all I can think of really XD.


TCG Trainer
Alrighty then, I made a few edits to the deck, bumping it up to 43 cards. It adresses the Black Ptera hate, and added another Big Evo. Pill. I also added Rats to help keep field presence while I get the monsters ready for the Pill.

Any more ideas?

Love Hina Fan

December Third...
Needs Mirror Force, drop the Reactive Armors, drop Stego, throw in another Saber, drop Super Conductor, 1 Ultimate, drop the Big Evolutions for Nobleman and another Tailswing, drop 1 Mausoleum for Last Will, and throw in another Gilasaurus.

Love Hina Fan

December Third...
You have 6 Tributes, and to make them usable, you put it stuff that are useless unless you have Tributes, wasting Deck space. Trust me, drop your Tribute count so you can have room in the rest of your Deck for something else.


looks pretty good, i have actually been playing with the structure deck with my mates for fun.

i think you may benefit from a 3rd Giliasaurus, as i found its very useful early game, though late games its not so useful, but 1400 atk isn't that bad.

i also found tail swipe to be a bit situential i would proberly take it out for a 3rd pill.

thats all i can think of for now, nice deck ^_^


TCG Trainer
You have 6 Tributes, and to make them usable, you put it stuff that are useless unless you have Tributes, wasting Deck space. Trust me, drop your Tribute count so you can have room in the rest of your Deck for something else.

Well, that's true. But I feel that the best way to support my Dino's is to have a Tribute-filled deck. The LV4 monsters are good, but the pale in the power of the LV5+ monsters. Also, I feel using these cards are pretty good, considering I can back them up with Rats.

Alakazam says Cena Sucks

Here is Tundo's M. of the Emperor deck... it sides in the Tyranno I was saying
I dont think I am hurting any one with this link... it just a deck list so dont shot... I didnt copy-paste sicne it has some wierd spacing going on

Tundo is a god in all honesty... Pioneered the Blasting Ruins- Life Equalizer OTK... my favorite deck to run... so powerful =O

The side deck is a good idea of what ur going to need for the Tyranno OTK