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YGO COTD - 10/13/06: Giant Orc

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The Requiem


If this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. You cannot change this battle position until the end of your next turn.

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Giant Orc is todays card, bringing more of the same Goblin Attack Force action with less searchability (none in fact) but more synergy with cards like Deck Devastation Virus. And of course, the skill drain. (Nothing works in skill drain like Fusilier Dragon but its an honorable mention.) Final Attack Orders is good friends with this card as well.

Advanced Format: 2.5/5


Better then you
I personally like this card. Just have one of those Secondhand Goblins for a union and your set. But you have to watch out for the frequent MST or Dust Tornado. Anyway 3/5.
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