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YGO COTD - 10/14/2006: Zombyra The Dark

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The Requiem


This card cannot attack a player directly. Each time this card destroys 1 monster as a result of battle, decrease the ATK of this card by 200 points.

*** *** ***

What better way to close up another week of COTD than with the resident superhero. ...super...villain? Byronic hero? Whatever. He's got a cape. Anyway, if you dont have a CyDra this guy can almost be a decent sub for him, 4 stars, 2100 attack. He weakens himself every time he lands a killing blow, but he's good for 2-3 beats tops before you off him, or he gets trucked. Easily compatible with Skill Drain, a favorite of most of the cards from this week. Also easily one of my favorite cards.

Advanced Format 3/5 (When used properly, he hurts people. Hurts. People.)

Shadow the Hedgehog



Looks like twice to me.

Someone got owned. XD


btw what does Skill Drain do?

Skill Drain is a continuous trap that lets you pay 1000 life points to activate then it negates all monster effects on the field as long as it remains faceup on the field. For instance Zombyra wouldn't lose stats and could attack directly, Goblin Attack Force wouldn't switch to defense. Etc.

Also 2/5 for Zombyra.
Zombyra the Dark (It IS a Hero in Japan, because the Japanese name literally translates to Hero Zombyre, IIRC. There was even a movie based on the concept too, I think...) is actually quite a good card. You can either build a Toolbox deck and easily splash DDV in with this, or any random Toolbox deck can side DDV/Zombyra to combat the ever so popular Stein sack. However, that's about it's only use, as it's crap otherwise. It's just a 2100 beater that can't attack directly and becomes Cyber bait after it's killed something.

ADV: 2/5
ADV DDV Toolbox: 4/5
ADV Toolbox side: 5/5

Tee-hee--beat this, Hurricane!:D

This guy just BEGS 'Skill Drain please~'. And that's the only area he works. Exclusive to SD decks, easy to summon, and cool picture would mean...4.5/10.
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