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YGO COTD - 10/22/2006: Fairy Box

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The Requiem


Each time a monster on your opponent's side of the field attacks, toss a coin and call Heads or Tails. If you call it right, the attacking monster's ATK becomes 0 only during the Battle Phase. Pay 500 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you do not, this card is destroyed.

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This card always had me bring up the question of...What exactly is Diglett doing in YGO...Well, all mysteries aside, today's COTD, Fairy Box opens up Coin-op week. Yes I said coin op. As in Coin Operated cards. Because Coin-op sounds cooler than Coinflip week. Fairy Box is a techy card, able to prevent damage just as well as it can cause it. If you have no monster and score on Fairy Box, your LP are safe. If you have a defensive monster and score on Fairy Box, 9 times out of 10 your opponent loses LP. If you have an OFFENSIVE monster, here comes the can of beatface, because they lose LP, AND a monster. The card makes itself worth its 500 LP per turn cost.

Advanced format: 2.5/5 (luck based, but good nonetheless.)


TCG Trainer
Although this is situational, Second Coin Toss could work with this. And it makes it VASTLY better.

2/5, because I really think this card has a good tech potential. And I like it. That's why I HAD to have First response.
3/5 This card is overlooked , but I hate when this is played on me in the GBA games, I always have to then wait to opponent out
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