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YGO COTD - 10/24/2006: Blowback Dragon

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The Requiem


Toss a coin 3 times. If at least 2 of the results are Heads, select 1 card on your opponent's side of the field and destroy it. You can only activate this effect once per turn, during your Main Phase.

*** *** ***

Meet Blowback Dragon, the card with a pistol for a face. As a matter of fact, cherish this duder, he's pretty much the only unedited "gun" in the entire game (which is a shame, seeing as how his older brother looks so much cooler with his revolvers instead of those ugly lasers...) Blowback has been a crowd favorite for a long time; starring in chaos builds upon its release, STILL in chaos decks when the envoys caught the banhammer, and is currently seeing play in Deck Devastation Virus and Chimeratech Overdragon builds. In short. Good. Yu-Gi-Oh. Card.

Advanced: 3.5/5
Good chance of blowing up a card and decent 2300 ATK for 6 stars

Alakazam says Cena Sucks

he is in my Ninja return

return him, Jinzo, Don, Reaper and another Nina sometimes

assuming they have one monster f/d... if i call right... LOL thats like a LOT of damage and 2 from hand
This pretty much sums it up. DDV is an added bonus too.

If I'm not mistaken, didn't this get an edit too?

EDIT: Yup. This is what it looked like before the edit.

3.5/5 (-.5 for the edit to it)

That does look different from my MC2 one
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