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YGO COTD - 10/27/2006: Sasuke Samurai #4

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The Requiem


If this card battles a monster, toss a coin and call heads or tails before damage calculation. If you call it right, destroy the opponent's monster with this effect.

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Wow. This is the one that sees play right here. I've noticed this guy popping up as tech all over the place, and with good reason. You see. THIS IS AN ANNOYING *******. In every sense of the word. If you attack it one of two things happen. Either it dies, or YOU die. And if the deck he's splashed in can take advantage through the use of monsters like Silpheed, thats a lose-lose situation. Also he's searchable by Flying Kamakiri #1, Reinforcements of the Army, and Sangan, 2/3 cards you see in a LOT of decks.

Dont sleep on the Sasuke family.

Advanced Format: 3/5
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