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YGO COTD 11/03/2006 Blue Eyes Shining Dragon

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Better then you

Blue Eyes Shinig Dragon
10 stars(**********)
Dragon Effect

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Offering 1 Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon on your side of the field as a tribute. Increase the Atk of this card by 300 points for each Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard. You can negate the effect of Spell, Trap, and Monster Cards that designate this card.

Well I thought I'd start out with one of my favorites. If you have a Blue Eyes deck this card could kick some serious ***. I like it's effect, but to discard a Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon for a card that might not have more attack points then BEUD. That could mean disaster for the person using it. But if the smart YGO player gets enough Dragons in the grave. Well, need I say more.

I give this card a 3.5/5 for the looks and the effect.
While i'm not here to review the card we HAVE to have the whole mishap with this card pointed out. You know it was released like 2 years before BEUD even made it into the TGC, thus leading to a mass released unplayable card.

But its an overrated card thats for sure, you know staring in a movie and all.


Come along, dear
Agreed with the above statement. But anyway;

This card is not the best ting ever, or easiest to get out, considering you either have to fuse 3 BEWD first, or just pay 5000 life points to Stein Ultimate Dragon. I don't prefer either really. Besides, it isn't that great on it's own anyway, it gets back to 3000, the effect boost getting it to AT LEAST 4200 atk, and I don't find the Spell/Trap/Monster effect blocker that big a deal anyways.

1.5/5. Purely for ot being as good as BEUD.

Very,very good for my BEWD deck at the end game when I have about 12-15 dragons in the grave


TCG Trainer
Well, it's a good card, but the hoops you have to go through to get it out are REALLY hard to get through.

I'm saying 2/5, even in a Dedicated deck.
I find it pretty easy to get out with Dragon's Mirror and Future Fusion for BEUD

The Requiem

Why not just use Summoner of Illusions? Seems like that would be the easiest way to go. Save those Dragons Mirrors and Future Fusions for something GOOD, like F.G.D.

This card is wholly unplayable and totally not worth it. It cant stop Solemn Judgement (or any other counter trap, including that new horn that will eat him) because his spell speed cant match it. People who side divine wrath and accidentally let him appear, will blow it away when it tries to block an effect.




Psyched Up
Staff member
The Requiem, I wonder, if BESD negate the effect of Trap that designate this card, how can counter traps able to defeat it?

The Doctor

Absolute Beginner
I prefer Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon to Shining Dragon, not least because you only need sacrifice a Red-Eyes to summon it. Ultimate Dragon is merely LP Eradicant with no effects to back it up and bloody hard to get onto the field. Then you have to Tribute it to get something that's weaker than itself!

'Course, BESD isn't a 3000 ATK in the same way Breaker is a 1900 ATK when it's Summoned. If you try and bring out Shining Dragon by using Paladin of White Dragon, then it's a 4500 ATK point monster; without it, it's 4200 and with Stein it's 3300. Either way, it's not worth bringing out a monster either less than or equal to its Tribute fodder's ATk points.

It's effect is pretty much pointless as well, more or less an Archfiend's effetc to negate Effects, Spells and Traps that target the card. You could easily get rid of it with Mirror Force or Raigeki. Pointless!

The Requiem

The Requiem, I wonder, if BESD negate the effect of Trap that designate this card, how can counter traps able to defeat it?

It cant stop Solemn Judgement (or any other counter trap, including that new horn that will eat him) because his spell speed cant match it.

Counter Traps are the only spell speed 3 cards. BESD's effect is spell speed 2.

Solemn Judgement / Horn of Heaven / Black Horn of Heaven negate his summon.

Divine Wrath negates his effect and destroys him.

get it?
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