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YGO COTD 11/06/06 Tyranno Infinity

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Better then you

Tyranno Infinity
4 stars(****)

The original ATK of this card is the number of your removed from play Dinosaur Type monsters x1000

I love to use this card after I have successfully played Survival Instinct. But it can be targeted by every trap, spell, and monster effect. I have gotten it's attack up to 12000 in one duel though. Anyway just have a couple of Survival Instincts and you can seriously beef this bad boy up.

I give this card a 2.5/5. Due to it being so vulnerable to effects and what-not.


Lightning Swordsman
Besides that, play soul releases. This shows you how insane the Dinosaur structure deck is. Even before the deck came out, I was using this card, and it gets pretty insane. Just watch out for cylinders, I'm seeing more and more of them in heavy aggro decks.


Come along, dear
Vulnerable, and it isn't that great even in a dino deck if you do work it out.

2.5..... Macro Dino?
I once played Survival Instict just enough to survive, then I drew this and won the duel


TCG Trainer
I find this card to be good, but not for a straight out beatdown Dino deck. This card needs its own deck.

3.5/5 Most people won't expect it.
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