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YGO COTD 11/08/06 Huper Hammerhead

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Better then you

Hyper Hammerhead
4 stars(****)

When this moster battles an opponent's monster, unless the opponent's monster is destroyed by battle. It is returned to it's owner's hand at the end of the damage step.

This card has a pretty solid effect. Attack,opponent flips,see what card it is, and depending on what is is it is either destroyed or returned to the opponents hand. It is pretty cool though, this card can help make a gap into your opponent's Life Points. I have used this guy before and it does pretty well on it's own. Beware of it's low attack points though. It would be wise to have something back-up this guy.

I give it a 3/5 due to it's low attack and many vulnerabilitys.
3/5 Meh, alright, but not terrific, though I have used this on my brother's 2000 DEF monster
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