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YGO COTD 11/19/06: Black Horn of Heaven

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I hope no one minds me doing this ;)
I'm going to start with one of the very few good card in CDIP since the set's officially released

Black Horn of Heaven CDIP-EN60
[Counter Trap]
Negate the Special Summon of an opponent's monster and destroy it.


One of the only good cards in CDIP, this card can actually do something, and can be helpful in stopping Stein-decks


Come along, dear
It's nice to see they still care about the old cards. ;D

Let's see... this is really very useful, get rid of a Cyber, maybe even a Stein's effect! It also helps Counter Fairy Decks.

4.5/5, my highest rating since I started this.
I can't wait to get this card :D, 10x better than Horn of Heaven
That, a CyberDark dragon and it's components for my collection
Well if you are going to buy CDIP packs for Cyber Darks, wait until the Kaiser packs come out.

It has all of those Cyber Dark cards, plus 5 new ones AND even a Rare Cyber Dragon (and rare/super rare/common of other forms).
I know that, but the holos look better, I prefer the holo version of the CyberDark pieces and an ultra-rare CyberDark Dragon

The Requiem

Only reason to get CDIP packs IMO, aside from trade fodder.

The only reason to get CDIP packs is Justibreak. Black Horn of Heaven is ok, but I dont see it stopping a smart Stein player. It'll slow down Aggro for sure. For a second. You better do something with the time you bought yourself.
Justibreak is the only card in this set I will give the time of day. So

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