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YGO:COTD 11/20/06: Justi-Break

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[Trap Card]
Activate only when your opponent declares an attack against a face-up Normal Monster on your side of the field. Destroy all face-up Attack Position monsters, except Normal Monsters.

Now this is a decent common card from CDIP, it's great for normal monsters and might hit the playing field when STON is released with those awesome normal monsters and tons of normal monster support

Rating:2/5 normally,
4/5 with normal monsters

Shadow the Hedgehog

Easily a staple for Vanilla decks. Not SJC worthy but casual play will love this. 4/5

Elemental Heroes could have fun with this too. You know. The n00b kind that don't use King of the Swamp.

The Requiem

You're kidding right.

The last deck I built before I decided to give this game a rest was an Enchanting Fitting Room monarch. If I'd had a couple of these in there, it would pretty much smash anything, IMO.

Its the best card in the set. The fastest normal decks are the ones like the one I have. Built with Sonic Ducks, Jerry Beans Men, Mad Lobsters, and Giant Soldiers of Stone. Because of the fitting room.

Fitting room ftw.


*Out of Titles*
Weird, I got that card in the pack today! Since effect cards are the rage these days. Now I think about it, it could kill all those high attack and strong effect like Silent Swordman Lvl 5. 3/5

But for a deck that focuses on normal monsters like the Elemental Heroes. 4.5/5

Alakazam says Cena Sucks

Weird, I got that card in the pack today! Since effect cards are the rage these days. Now I think about it, it could kill all those high attack and strong effect like Silent Swordman Lvl 5. 3/5

But for a deck that focuses on normal monsters like the Elemental Heroes. 4.5/5

its the common in the pack AND the promo for the sneak peak

btw VANITY FIEND is the best in the set
This sucks, none of the stores in my area hasn't gotten in a single shipment of CDIP >_<


Well-Known Member
This Card seems interesting. Mostly because most people like to use Effect Monsters. So, if played right this could really hurt them.
CDIP is probably one of the worst (if not the worst) sets around. STON makes up for that to be honest.

But with all the Normal Monster support in STON this card might be getting some play, but I dunno it depends, will anyone actually run normal decks, except for stuff like Law of the Normal decks.

Not bad though, just not groundbreaking, depends on the build used in.


Yeah, like with Genetic Werewolf, Ancient Rule, and Frostsaurus

Don't forget Spiral Dragon, Lycanthrope, Cúchaliann Warrior, and Advance Ritual Technique.

Justi-Break ftw. Love this card. I still can't believe UDe and Konami made this card better then it already was.
>_> No fair, the CDIP prerelease Justi-Break looks so much better
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