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YGO - Gradius Deck Rate [Locked, no Format.]

Rate my deck from 1-10

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  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
I havo some forbidden cards in this deck.

Chaos Emperor Dragon
Monster Reincarnation
Creature swap
Swords of revealing light
Trap Hole
Polymerization x2
Tainted Wisdom
Ancient Brain
Premature Burial
Ookazi x2
Tyrant Dragon
A hero emerges
Majestic Mech - Ohka
Enchanted Javelin
Pot of Greed
Draining Shield
Sand Moth
Ominous Fortunetelling
Demise, King of Armageddon
End of the World
Chaos Sorcerer
Wall of Revealing light
Elementol Hero Clayman
Magical Mallet
Brain Control
Metal Armored Bug
Malevolent Nuzzler
Cyber Harpie Lady
Raigecki Break
Dark Hole
Luster Dragon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Man-eater Bug
Magic Cylinder
Elemental Hero Sparkman
Heavy Storm
Insect Knight
Spellbinding Circle
Archfiend of Gilfer
Weapon Change
Destiny Hero - Defender
Malevolent Nuzzler
Skull Knight
Elementol Hero Thunder Giant

What do you think?
Okay, this looks like a deck made from a whole bunch of holos and cards in general
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