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YGO:Sacred Beasts

Liking or Disliking Sacred Beasts

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This is a random topic,but is there anyone out there who hates the Sacred Beasts aside from me

The Requiem

I hate how they dont get enough credit for what they can do. First of all, you shouldnt shut out a card that can cause such massive damage, IMHO all three have decent methods of being brought out (Uria and Hamon being quite simple, Raviel with a little creativity) and also can cause massive damage when played skillfully and correctly. (I can say so, I'm currently running a Hamon deck..)

Im tired of "OMFG they suk b/c u cant ply thm nubz.."


TCG Trainer
Meh, nomi's are always tough to get out, but these guys kinda make up for it. If I had massive amounts of each, I might try to use them (obv. in different decks)


Better then you
I completly agree with what The Requiem said. I also plan on making a Hamon deck sometime in the future. Since my friend runs a Uria deck and my little brother will be running a Raviel deck.

PKMN Legend Anthony

Water Gym Leader.
They can be awesome in the correct decks, IMO Raviel is the strongest of the 3 - I have always been interested in making a deck based on Raviel or Uria
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