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YGO:SD11 Surge of Radiance

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Anyone else know about this new deck?


Beginning Trainer
Isnt solemn judjement in a structure deck already, meh i got one of those anyway, but its pretty crap.

Drawing cards gaining life points, would it make you easy to lose.
The main monster is being assumed as a Nomi Airknight.

Sounds likely but I dunno to be honest, a common Mirror Force would be nice though ;)

I mean the latest Structure Decks are having awesome reprints...


Beginning Trainer
i doubt mirror force, it will be too common especially for one of the rarest traps ever, but i hope so, because i REALLY WANT MIRROR FORCE. I dont think solemn will be in there anyway because, gaining life points then HALFING your life points is pretty dumb.
Lol its already had a reprint in Japan. Where these decks are made.

Thats why the Gadgets were released in a deck, same for Enemy Controller, Pot of Aravice, Magic Arm Shield were all reprinted as commons because they have been reprinted previously for Japanese Character decks...

So the chances aren't that low.


Beginning Trainer
well I hope so, which deck has enemy controller is it the gear deck.

PKMN Legend Anthony

Water Gym Leader.
Yeah. OCG has had common mirror force ever since Yugi Structure Vol. 2.

That structure was new like 3 years ago...

a part of me wants a common Mirror force for my other decks but people have spend loads of moeny on Mirror Force and it remains a sought after card. and having a common version would take out the rareity and speacilness for those who have spent allot of moeny on Mirror force only for it to be introduced as a common... (Thats me)
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