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[YGO] Solemn Judjement's Efectivness....

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PKMN Legend Anthony

Water Gym Leader.
I reccentlly hv heard/read allot about the card solemn judjement, i opened one in one of my first packs of MRD and still have it 2day...i dont see it usefullness in early game @ all

so how good is it? and should it be a staple in a deck?

Shadow the Hedgehog

Staple? No.

Pretty much a sidedeck staple IMO.

Early game it's crap. Late game it can save you from a Cyber Dragon or some other win condition for the price of 1000 or so.

The Requiem

Of course using it early game is just retarded if you're not gonna save yourself from losing, or ensure your victory.

It shouldnt be decked much, or sided much in a format where ring exists, but its still a very good card. You just cant afford to use it recklessly.
This card is practically only useful near the end when you're running out of LP


We Strike At Dawn
Solemn Judgment is able to stop and negate Jinzo's summoning right, thats what I've heard so it has to be really useful.
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