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(YGO) Structure Decks; What do you do to them?

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Come along, dear
We all know that the structure decks of the YuGiOh TCG were a new sort of deck for more advanced players looking for strategy rather than just the Starter decks we had gotten earlier. Ever since you opened that structure deck and started playing it you knew that there was something magical going on with it.

But, that aside, there was sometihng missing, something keeping it from getting more competitive with others, it needed to have a coulple staples, Sangan, Graceful Charity maybe to help the game along; and take out those cards that are too situational for real play. So what I'm asking you here is: what did you do to the structure decks to make them better?

I'm perosnally preparring for the arrival of the machine structure deck and planning what cards are going in and out, such as Cyber Dragon and Graceful going in and taking out Ancient Gear Engineer and Machine Duplication (too situational)

And now I'm intent on hearing what you do.
I just keep the structure decks the way they are without modification, with box and everything, and I keep them lined up in a row


Better then you
I'll buy one, then I'll duel my friend with it. Then next time I duel with him it's completly different. The only deck I kept the same is the Exxod one.

Shadow the Hedgehog

I got ROCKED for the first couple of matches with the rock one. Then I figured out how to run it and beat my friend down. He won't play it anymore because it isn't fun for either of us. It's plenty fun for me.

Anyway. I get the decks for extra staples and maybe some fun tech cards. I like to get multiples so I can just play unaltered.
I only do that if I happen to get my hands on some extra decls

Super Aipom

Aipom is on TV now!?
If I have the money after the Wii I'll buy 3 Machine decks and I'll finally have a deck that's not out of date, like my Flip,Chaos Sorcerrer or Zombie.
I don't buy any cards anymore, I'm just going for the Machine structure.
Gagets all the way.


Usually, I get the structure decks for spare cards, but recently, a my card collection has increased by a fare amount, I like to expand on the themes that were present in the structure deck. Like, the Rock structure is an amazig deck to run alongside the Sphinx's. The Dino deck is just WAY too good, believe it or not, and the Ancient Gear deck and ANgel decks add already good themes with even better support cards that make the decks run fluidly.

I love structure decks. Why, if it wasn't for the structure decks, YGO prolly wouldn't be as popular as it is today. Yay for catering to poor people!


Come along, dear
Machines auto matically rule, tweak it with some Hell Kaiser Duelist Pack cards and..... a very high attack points Chimeratech. I may actually take out the Gadgetss, cool but not competitive, and add in Cyber stuff, though not as a main, I still make sure the Anti-que Gears still stay strong.

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
I agree with ShinyManafii, the Structure decks are fine as is- they don't need any "staples" to work; sure, maybe they're not 'competetive,' but those posers use so many cheap cards, I don't see a point to even challenging them.
As for modifications, I once crushed some guy's Vampire deck (which usd Vampire Lords and an untranslated Curse of Vampire) with the Dinosaur Structure- and the only card I changed was adding a "Graceful Charity" to the deck.

chaos blaziken

i dont like the structure decks they dont have any good cards


Come along, dear
i dont like the structure decks they dont have any good cards

You call common staples such as DD Warrior Lady, Graceful Charity, Enemy Controller, Pot of Averice, Lightning Vortex not good?! Really, becasue it's becasue of those that my deck is as good as it is today. I also must stress on how almost perfect the Dino deck is, definetely a winner, and the holo of the deck is actually usable.


*Out of Titles*
Normally I tear up the deck then insert some of its good cards to my own deck, but the structure deck are as good as it is without modifications! I mean, at least 2 of the 'staple' cards are in 1 Structure deck!


Well-Known Member
Well I currlently have only structure deck.(zombie madness)Befor I got this my deck was a random pile of cards.I added some cards and took some out. Now I am the fourth best yugioh player in my school.(out of five)
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Well-Known Member
The Zombie deck was very nice, and easy to use, better than it's counterpart Dragon deck IMO. It also gave Vampire Lord- and I saw Ryu Kokki see some play a while ago.

I agree its a good simple deck that could be eaisly altured.It's probley the best structure deck there is.

I will probly see but not buy(unless it a gift)the machine deck.My friend did say once he was building a machine deck so he will probely get it.
I want the machine deck for all of these aewsome looking Ancient Gear monsters in it


Come along, dear
I want the machine deck for all of these aewsome looking Ancient Gear monsters in it

Yes, Antique Gears have that awsome "no activate spell/trap until end of Battle Phase" effect, making them useful in a couple decks. But I don't recomend the Gadgets if you're going competitive. Also, it can easilty be manipulated into a Cyber deck... amybe, I was just thinking that.
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