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YGO: Tactical Evolution New Cards!?

Ed Phoenix

Pesky Boy
At first, I was grateful to hear that the set was pushed to 80. 90 cards has me thinking about the good ol' days of pulling BLS and RoD from packs. :D

Hmmm, never before seen cards. Guess we'll just have to wait for the sneak preview.


Problem magnet
yay new cards Im hoping for some low lv Dragons or E-heros


~Grammar Nazi
??? More cards! Yay! maybe they'll be japanese cards in english print, would explain why the japanese ain't getting them, since they would already have them.


I am a glow worm...
How about the SD13 cards? :rolleyes:
The way they've been doing them over here. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Come along, dear
I think these are them. Water support, but some of that Gemini Sumoning stuff. I tihnk I'm begining to understand it now. You can summon a monster a second time while on the field to activate it's Gemini Summon effect, no?


I am a glow worm...
They've gone now. I guess they were fakes... Right?


~Grammar Nazi
I'm not surpised, I don't think we would get more new cards without the japanese getting them or already having them anyway.


Problem magnet
Hey wait there's no page about this anymore..does that mean they were fake?! If anyone knows what cards they are please post