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Life sucks, man.
Hi I've been looking at this site for a month-ish now and became a member early this month. Wanted to say hi to all Pokémon fans out there.;249-d; Where can I find real people to play Pokémon with outside of live events? Do we gather somewhere like moths to a light bulb or is it all by luck?
Also, are U.S. and Japan games compatible? Can I get a Celebi from some lucky Japanese guy (who can get it from Colosseum again) at a convention via trade or is that just wishful thinking? I can't find Mystery Event anywhere anymore and I saw it once where is it? Hi again!


P.S. Help me I can't seem to modify my profile. What should I do?


Kill your heroes
Hi, welcome to Serebii.net forums! PM me for whatever. Please...CHECK THE HELP THREADS!


Welcome if you need help want to talk or be friends pm me.

And to modify your profile go to User cp. and edit profile.


Life sucks, man.
I found the Mystery Event thing nevermind