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The old YW thread hasn't been bumped since 2018.

YW4 came out in Japan recently. They're releasing a new version soon. It's also due for an English version within the next two years.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Really like the game so far. Rented Yokai Watch originally, and bought a used copy of it next year.
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I come and go suddenly
Pretty underrated gem this series is. It can be hard to get into, but there's something about it that's charming that kept me at least coming back. Played every game that's been released in English so far and enjoyed my time with them (But they can be very frustrating at times, especially the RNG).

From what I've seen of Yokai Watch 4 so far, I'm not very impressed with it. Let's hope the updates turn it into a better game than it is now; I see a lot of potential with it, but I fear that they could still end support early and leave it severely lacking.