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Anyone read this manga? I bought the first volume at my school book fair. I'm thinking about getting the other two that are out.
yeah i have it.
and thats the exact same place where i got mine...0_o
yeah its very funny but weird too.....0_o
i have the first one....just so you know.........


"Water came out of your nose, Fuka!" *Laughs*

-Yotsuba, Vol. 2

I'm ordering volume 3 sometime. I also found a Japanese Yotsuba&! calendar somewhere...

Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
Oh, yeah! I got the first one at a book fair too. When I saw it, I was all "whoa, manga at the book fair?" It's hilarious ("I'm a cicada!"), and it's cute, too. I've only seen the first one so far, but I'll be on a lookout for any more of them.


Well-Known Member
"Hey, why do have your pants on?!" - Jumbo said pointing at Koiwai

"Aw, shut yer yap! A man can wear pants if he wants!" - Koiwai

"What'd you say? HWAA!" - Jumbo

"CHWAA!" - Koiwai said as he and Jumbo does battle poses.

"Good luck both of you!" - Yotsuba

"Uh, what's going on?" - Fuka

That part never fails to make me laugh. ^__^


Fog Trainer
Can someone tell me why is the main character so retarded? She never heard of things she sees where she moved to?
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asia_catdog_blue said:
Can someone tell me why is the main character so retarded? She never heard of things she see where see moved to?
I think she's supose to be alien or somethin'. She's also a little kid. ;/

Silver Ryu

~Aqua Dragon~
asia_catdog_blue said:
Can someone tell me why is the main character so retarded? She never heard of things she sees where she moved to?

Her cluelessness is what makes it so funny.
I don't know if you know this but this manga is by the same creator who did Azumanga Diaoh. Just stating a fact.
That Scary Clefairy said:
I don't know if you know this but this manga is by the same creator who did Azumanga Diaoh. Just stating a fact.
Yeah it says so on the book too. :p
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