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You are obsessed With Pokemon When...V.4

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Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
This was another good thread so I thought I'd bring it back too.
I'll start,
when you cave a scoulpture of Pikachu and put it in your closet and secretly worship it.

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
when get your pokemon cards insured.




Well-Known Member
When you reach 999:59 time in one of your games. (guilty of my Emerald)


I'm the Bogeyman!
When you nickname your friend Feebas. (guilty)

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
when you dream about pokemon every night.

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
when you eat bread hopeing you'll get smarter

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
when you go to bed and say "saveing don't turn off the power..."

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Heh, the other one got banned. FUNNY THAT.

When you cut off an old mans head and attach it to your lizard, saying "Zugaidos, headbutt"

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
It got banned..... didn't know that.

when you tell your dog to use tail whip.


Well-Known Member
You run around throwing red and white balls at powerful looking animals.


probably elsewhere
you start to call your pets Pokemon. (I call our chihuahua Vulpix. x_x)


Well-Known Member
You have special cases for all the badges/ribbons you have.


probably elsewhere
you buy a Pokemon toy and pretend it's real.


Well-Known Member
(Done that before xD)

You try and mix berries into cubed candies, and feed them to your pets.
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